Reviews of Integral Subaru (Car Concessionaire)

833 Rue d'Alma, Chicoutimi, QC G7H 4E7, Canada

Average Rating:


We have the reviews of people who purchase the services and products of Integral Subaru (Car Concessionaire) in the area of Jonquière (Canada).

To this day this business has a rating of 4.4 stars out of 5 and the rating has been based on 112 reviews.

You may have noticed that it reaches an reviews average is really good, and it is based on a very high number of reviews, so we may say that the assessment is very faithful. If people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well with the business, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually bother to write reviews when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Car Concessionaire is classified in the category of Subaru dealer.

Where is Integral Subaru?

REVIEWS OF Integral Subaru IN Jonquière


Michaël Gagné

Martin Bouchard

Lynn Tremblay

lorraine minier

(Translated) Excellent welcome and service (Original) Excellent accueil et service

Flo V-spec

Moctezuma Sanchez

(Translated) Best service for life and the great staff especially Sylvain Tremblay my seller a real professional. (Original) Meilleure service a vie et le personnel formidale en particulier sylvain tremblay mon vendeur un vrai professionnels .

Alain Giguère

kéven giroux

(Translated) Excellent service !! Beautiful team!! (Original) Excellent service!! Belle équipe!!

Emilie Verrette

(Translated) From Montreal, but we take advantage of family visits to do business with friendly and professional people in Chicoutimi! Thank you! (Original) De Montréal, mais on profite des visites à la famille pour faire affaire avec des gens sympa et professionnel à Chicoutimi! Merci!

Denis Barsalou

Audrey CÔTÉ

Jordane St-Hilaire Dupuis

(Translated) Excellent service, very courteous and very available staff! (Original) Excellent service, personnel très courtois et très disponible!

Benjamin Simard

(Translated) First visit and very strongly the last! Having made an appointment following an airbag recall letter for my vehicle, I had to return to the garage three times in the same week! The first time, fifteen minutes after my departure, my heating was no longer working. After about twenty minutes it was fixed. The next day, believing myself to be out of poverty, I saw a crack in my windshield which was not there at all the day before. Knowing that my vehicle had not left my home since the repair. Today while cleaning the interior of my vehicle, I noticed a tool left in my vehicle during the repair. Believing myself to be dreaming, I look up to find part of my missing dashboard! Indeed the buttons used to change the angle of the mirrors had disappeared! In short, my visit was not up to my expectations and I no longer think of setting foot there! (Original) Première visite et très fortement la dernière ! Ayant pris un rendez-vous suite à une lettre de rappel de coussins gonflables pour mon véhicule, j’ai dû retourner au garage à trois reprises dans la même semaine ! La première fois, quinze minutes après mon départ mon chauffage ne fonctionnait plus. Après une vingtaine de minutes ce fut réparé. La journée d'après, me croyant sortie de la misère, j'aperçus une craque dans mon pare-brise qui n'était pas du tout là la veille. Sachant que mon véhicule n’avait pas quitté mon domicile depuis la réparation. Aujourd’hui alors que je nettoyais l'intérieur de mon véhicule, j'aperçus un outil laissé dans mon véhicule lors de la réparation. Me croyant rêver, je lève les yeux pour tomber sur une partie de mon tableau de bord manquant ! En effet les boutons qui servent à modifier l’angle des miroirs avaient disparu ! Bref, ma visite ne fut pas au niveau de mes attentes et je ne pense plus y mettre les pieds !

Alexandre Brisson

(Translated) Super welcome and respect for the person (Original) Super accueil et respect de la personne

Serge Lépine

Gabriel Drouin

gilles morin

(Translated) Courtesy choice and service (Original) Choix courtoisie et service

Jey fayret


Good service and really friendly staff, though he didn't give me many options nor presented all the facets of his product.

Pierre-Luc Savard

Francois A

Lana Pedneault

(Translated) Always an excellent service! (Original) Toujours un excellent service!

Yadav Rakesh


Jérôme Villeneuve Larouche

Jean Guy Perron

(Translated) Quality of service is excellent, listening to the customer (Original) Qualité de service est excellent, a l'écoute du client

Denis Boies

Remi F.

(Translated) I was only passing through and received outstanding service in just 30 minutes! (Original) Je n'étais que de passage et j'ai reçu un service hors pair en seulement 30 minutes!


Michel Roberge


Jocelyn Simard

Marylene Gagne

Patrick Kennedy

Emilie Harvey

(Translated) Average service ... do not offer courtesy and are stupid. (Original) Service moyen... n'offrent pas de courtoisie et sont limite bêtes.

Robert Grenier

(Translated) Excellent service Courteous and on time (Original) Excellent service Courtois et dans les délais prévus

Roberto Da Silveira

Antoine Bergeron

Mario Paquet

(Translated) Excellent service! I bought myself a new Subaru. And in the accessories that I had added, there was a small error: some of them did not fit together. They changed the right accessory to make everything work well! The new accessory was $ 300 more expensive than the one before, and they paid for the cost !! They literally lost cash to keep me happy. I am happy! I highly recommend them. Very possible that my next vehicle will be a Subaru again! Their waiting room is spotless too .. !!! Very satisfied! ???????????? (Original) Excellent service! Je me suis acheter une Subaru neuve. Et dans les accessoires que j’ai fait rajouter, il y a eu une petite erreur: certain d’entre eux ne fittait pas ensemble. Ils on changé le bon accessoire pour que tout fonctionne bien! Le nouvel accessoire était 300$ plus cher que celui auparavant, et ils ont assumé les frais!! Ils ont littéralement perdu du cash pour que je soit heureux. Je suis heureux! Je les recommande fortement. Fort possible que mon prochain véhicule vas être un Subaru encore! Leur salle d’attente est impeccable aussi..!!! Très satisfait! ????????????

Rej Cot

Geneviève Gauthier

Julianne Lavoie

rémi chassé

(Translated) Myself I have a subarue these trustworthy (Original) Moi meme j'ai une subarue ces digne de confiance

Daniel Rodrigue

joe ouellet

Hel Bou

Claude Labbé

Jean-Guy Poirier

(Translated) Second visit for a problem still not resolved. A 3rd r-v necessary ... and just 25000km, that promises ... (Original) Seconde visite pour un problème toujours pas réglé. Un 3ième r-v né rien que 25000km, ça promet...

michel r. pilote

(Translated) Extremely courteous and professional staff .... I walked out smiling !! Thank you!! (Original) Personnel extrêmement courtoi et professionnelle.... J'y suis sorti en souriant!! Merci!!

Jacques Viel

(Translated) Very nice concession and very welcome. (Original) Très belle concession et très bon accueil.

popemobile twelve

(Translated) Super courteous, and they even offered to accompany me home while they do the necessary repairs! (Original) Super courtois, et ils m'ont même offert de me r'accompagner chez moi le temps qu'ils fassent les réparations néssesaire!

Jonathan Lachapelle

(Translated) To avoid, unsavory practice and the limit of legality. (Original) À éviter, pratique peu recommandable et à la limite de la légalité.

Frédéric Tremblay

(Translated) Very good service. Completely different from other dealers. (Original) Très bon service. Complétement différent des autres concessionnaires.

yvon thibeault

Marc-André Couture PHOTOGRAPHE

François Viel

Tommy Larouche

(Translated) the rooms close at 5 a.m. -_- (Original) les piece ferme a 5h -_-

Marc-André Sarrazin

(Translated) Long live all-wheel drive. (Original) Vive la traction intégrale.

Regis girard

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon sevice

Eric Morin

(Translated) Car dealer (Original) Concessionnaire automobile

Christiane Boivin

(Translated) Very good service. (Original) Tres bon service.

Jeff D. (PUTTY)

(Translated) Very good service. (Original) Très bon service.

Jean-François Bertrand

(Translated) Bele filial atmosphere, pressure selling does not seem to have a place, which I love! (Original) Bele ambiance filiale, la vente a pression ne semble pas avoir sa place, ce que j'adore!

Diane Larouche

(Translated) Very good and fast service (Original) Très bon service et rapide

Christian Pearson

Jonathan L.

(Translated) I do not know why all these anglophones shout after the concession ... they are probably not even real customers! With the internet now anyone can publish anything ... I have a hard time believing that all these English comments are true. I think someone has misled them. I have 2 subaru for several years and I go to this concession for more than 10 years and I never had a problem. But really never. (Original) Je sais pas trop pourquoi tous ces anglophones crient après la concession... ce ne sont probablement même pas de vrais clients ! Avec internet maintenant n'importe qui peut publier n'importe quoi... j'ai beaucoup de difficulté à croire que tous ces commentaires anglophones sont vrais. Selon moi quelqu'un les a induit en erreur. J'ai 2 subaru depuis plusieurs années et je vais a cette concession depuis plus de 10 ans et jamais je n'ai eu de problème. Mais vraiment jamais.

Pier-Yves Girard

Jean Gagnon

(Translated) Exellent service but sellers ... oufff (Original) Exellent service mais les vendeurs...oufff

Pierre Rochon

Jacques Rochefort

Laurent Bergeron

(Translated) Subaru a beautiful gang of competent and nice guys (Original) Subaru une belle gangs de gars compétant et agréable????????????

Js Allard

Martin Lafond

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Sonya Leclerc


CPO guarantee on vehicle covered a part of the entertainment system, as it was purchased with the vehicle as a Subaru accessory. They found the part, but we moved to another city before they could replace it. The dealer in the new city told us the part was not covered. Integral Subaru service dept called the new dealer, explained that it WAS covered, shipped the part to them and had them do the work as initially agreed. Spectacular customer service, going above and beyond requirement for us, and good rates as well. I recommend their service department to anyone.

Sylvain Desgagné

Sandra Gagne

Rénald Tremblay

(Translated) Excellent (Original) Excellent

Gino Maltais

Dany Boulé

(Translated) Beautiful car (Original) Belle voiture

Catherine Doré

(Translated) Motor jumped 33000 km to Subaru Canada does not want to respect its warranty and the dealer is not conciliatory and does not make any effort to help .. $ 12650 repair cost really do not buy SUBARU! (Original) Moteur sauté a 33000 km a Subaru canada ne veut pas respecter sa garantie et le concessionnaire n"est pas conciliant et ne fait pas d'effort pour aider. coût de la réparation 12650$ vraiment n'acheter pas de SUBARU !

Lucie Duguay

Benoît Girard

(Translated) Fast and courteous service! (Original) Service rapide et courtois !

Philippe Dourlet

(Translated) The best experience with a car dealership that I have been given. As much the service for the maintenance of the vehicle as the sales department, everything was perfect. Keep up the good work! (Original) La meilleure expérience avec un concessionnaire automobile qu'il m'ait été donné d'avoir. Autant le service pour l'entretien du véhicule que le département des ventes, tout a été parfait. Continuez votre beau travail!

Simard Michelle

laureric tremblay

Gaetan Maltais

Richard Coulombe

(Translated) Good reception and good service (Original) Bonne accueil et bon service

Mike Cote

Pierre Pagé

(Translated) Nice welcome with the relevant information related to my vehicle. Friendly meeting with my seller. Congratulations to all! (Original) Belle accueil avec l'information pertinente en rapport avec mon véhicule. Rencontre sympathique avec mon vendeur. Félicitations à tous !

Vincent-Olivier Lalancette

Clément Lapointe

Alain Boivin

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

Bertrand Boudreault

K Brisson

(Translated) I have driven 250,000 km with a car from another brand that I still own. The body is still very clean. I buy my first Subaru, a 2018 Impreza, with which I travel the same route as the previous one. After less than 60,000 km and 18 months of use, blisters appear on the front and rear of the roof. The dealer is intractable, he claims that stones have damaged the roof and that it is not guaranteed. A poor quality paint which unfortunately will not be able to survive several seasons and little after sales service. Here is my full Subaru experience. My last Subaru for life! (Original) J'ai parcouru 250000 km avec une voiture d'une autre marque que je possède encore. La carrosserie est encore très propre. Je fais l'achat de ma première Subaru, une Impreza 2018, avec laquelle je parcours le même trajet que la précédente. Après moins de 60 000 km et 18 mois d'usage des boursoufles apparaissent sur le devant et l' arrière du toit. Le concessionnaire est intraitable, il affirme que des cailloux ont endommagé le toit et que ce n'est pas garantie. Une peinture de piètre qualité qui malheureusement ne pourra pas traverser plusieurs saisons et peu de service après vente. Voici mon expérience integral Subaru. Ma dernière Subaru à vie!

alain castonguay

(Translated) No pressure, well done. (Original) Pas de pression bravo.

Nancy Haché

(Translated) Excellent..very good service and very nice decor. Very welcome. We couldn't ask for more. (Original) Excellent..tres bon service et très beau décor. Très bien accueillie. On ne peux demander mieux.

Alain Lap

thom leg

(Translated) Avoid service at all costs. Rémi Gagné is a criminally incompetent person. (Original) Éviter le service à tout prix. Rémi Gagné est une personne criminellement incompétente.

Jonathan Gingras

Patrice Ménard

Jérémie Desgagnés

Richard Boudreault

Jean-Marc Rouleau

Julien Levesque

(Translated) Excellent, very welcoming place (Original) Excellent d, endroit très Accueillant

Robert Cloutier

(Translated) In this period of covid-19 and that I see your advertisement on TV all the employees stuck one on the other I find it deplorable. (Original) En cet période de covid-19 et que je vois votre annonce à la télé tout les employés collé un sur l'autres je trouve ça déplorable.

Karolane Guilbeault

(Translated) Thank you to Stéphane (Service Director) and Maxime (Technical Advisor) for the good service received following an error that occurred during a previous visit. I am very satisfied with my repairs and I will recommend Intégrale Subaru! Thank you for the welcome and the Cappuccino during the wait! ????☕ (Original) Merci à Stéphane (Directeur du service) et Maxime ( Aviseur technique ) pour le bon service reçu suite à une erreur survenu lors d'une précédente visite. Je suis très satisfaite de mes réparations et je recomendrai Intégrale Subaru ! Merci pour l'accueil et le Cappuccino durant l'attente ! ????☕

Eric Tremblay

(Translated) Subaru WRX engine jumped vehicle is only 2 years old and the company refuses to repair. No modification made on the vehicle! Auto always driven with care! Subaru do not buy this, reliability really left to be desired and dealer not made his way to help solve the problem it's very disappointing ...................... ..... (Original) Subaru WRX moteur sauté véhicule a seulement 2 ans et la compagnie refuse de réparer . Aucune modification de faite sur le véhicule ! Auto toujours conduit avec soin ! Subaru n'achetez pas cela, fiabilité vraiment laisse a désirer et concessionnaire pas fait son chemin aider a régler le problème c'est très décevant ...........................

Christophe Gagnon

Jean Roy

Herman Simard

Business Hours of Integral Subaru in Jonquière

7:30AM TO 5:30PM
7:30AM TO 5:30PM
7:30AM TO 5:30PM
7:30AM TO 5:30PM
7:30AM TO 4PM


Integral Subaru en Jonquière
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