so, I couldnt get into this site/string/whatever its called without tapping a star.. I retract that star because D&L dont deserve even that. They sold me a veh they say was good to go and had nothing wrong with it, I have since found that the veh was in a collision and never repaired properly, Mymechanic showed me first hand while he had it on the hoist. The frame is bent, the horn didnt work and it has a nova scotia mvi sticker on it and no receipt to go with the sticker, I looked through all the papers I found in the glovebox left by the previous owner and found only a receipt from 2018, the sticker is punched for august 2022,.... do the math, nova scotia stickers are good for 3 years, this one is supposedly good for another year and 5 months beyond what it should be.One question I have is how did it pass any inspection with no horn, and a bent frame ??? This is just the Begining, there will be more. I gave them a stellar review about a month ago while the car deal was going on, and since then have found out the above ...I RETRACT THAT REVIEW.. and they dont want the care back, wont stop payments on it, and dont want to help me in any way to get it fixed or replaced , .... ????????! ...... December 21, 2021, StillNoRegistration ! on my way to work for 03:00 HRP stop me do the usual certificate checks come back tell me car is still registered in original owners name, my temp on the windshield is expired and officer Gregory Sykes has the car towed, that was morning of november 18, its still in Academy towings impound lot at 35$ a day and a 140$ tow fee ...