Reviews of Boucherie Sabra (Butcher Shop)

25 Ontario St E, Montreal, Quebec H2X 1G8, Canada

Average Rating:


We've got the information of real people who buy the products and services of Boucherie Sabra (Butcher Shop) in Longueuil (Canada).

At present this business receives a score of 4.3 over 5 and this score was based on 35 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an opinions average is positive, and it's founded on a very high number of opinions, so we may conclude that the valuation is quite accurate. If many people have bothered to rate when they've done well, it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to place evaluations when they are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Butcher Shop belongs to the category of Butcher shop.

Where is Boucherie Sabra?

REVIEWS OF Boucherie Sabra IN Longueuil

Palestine 1948

(Translated) Marinated meat is delicious Product freshness always there The kindness of the owners They all have to please A great know-how Well done! (Original) La viande mariné est délicieuse Fraîcheur des produits toujours au rendez-vous La gentillesse des propriétaires Ils ont tous pour plaire Un Grand savoir faire Bravo!

Duc C. Nguyên

Mehdi Bous

Well located, halal food, fresh meat, cant go wrong

Lola Lov

(Translated) Hello. I've been to this little butcher's shop three times. Always well received. At the start I was looking for goat. Because at other halal butcher's shop you have to buy the whole animal if they have it. I was happy to find the goat of fresh quality and in the quantity that I liked. I took baklava for my husband. He adores them even me who is not a fan I love ... I took double the second time. Their merguez is also very good. I buy minced meat too. I will cook it during the week ... so far I am very satisfied with the quality I will go back to try other protein. The owner and his daughter I think are kind and generous and kind. (Original) Bonjour. Cela fait 3 fois que je vais a cette petite boucherie . Toujours bien acceuillie . Au depart je cherchais de la chevre . Car a d'autre boucherie halal tu dois acheter animal au complet si il ont . Jai ete contente de trouver de la chevre de qualite fresh et a la quantite qui me plaisait. Jai pris des baklavas pour mon Mari. Il les a adore meme moi qui est pas fan jai aimer ...jen ai repris double la deuxieme fois . Leur merguez aussi sont tres bonnes . Jai acheter la viande hache aussi . Je vais la cuisiner en semaine... a date je suis tres satisfaite de la qualite je vais y retourne essayer dautre proteine . Le proprietaire et sa fille je pense sont gentil et genereux et aimable.


Very friendly; family owned and operated; fresh goat; central location. Awesome.

Faster ON Slower

(Translated) I am generous if I put a star, because there is no ZERO. Store always empty, so it proves that they sell only the remaining butchers. You buy here, you get sick for sure. The owner is possibly mafia, and he smokes in his shop. (Original) Je suis généreux si j'ai mis une étoile, car il n' y a pas de ZÉRO. Magasin toujours vide, donc ça prouve qu'ils ne vendent que les restants d'autres boucheries. Vous achetez ici, vous tombez malade c'est sûr. Le propriétaire est possiblement mafieux, et il fume dans sa boutique.

Motahareh Vamegh

Very welcoming, very warm! Felt like home <3 Fresh meat with affordable prices ! Definitely will get my meat always from there!

S.M.R. Safaee

Best HALAL meat in Montreal. Very nice, honest, welcoming and generous people. The quality of meat is really good, and the price is reasonable. I really recommend it. It is perfect

Aryn Piragoff

Top quality butcher. Delicious fresh products, and great prices for superior food. The lamb chops are so good, perfectly portioned, and the beef steaks were likewise. Delicious Samosas and fresh , briny halloumi rounded out my purchases. I have been back almost daily for more fresh meat, since it's better in quality and cheaper than a steak or lamb chop dinner in a restaurant! I will miss this place when I leave.


(Translated) quality meat super nice boss (Original) viande de qualité patron super gentil

Zahra A

The meat is fresh and halal, I got the best halal meat in Montréal. I wish it was close to my apartment so I can come here all the time I need meat. Also very respectful and nice person.


(Translated) I have always loved the kebab sandwiches they make. It's too good! (Original) J'ai toujours adoré les sandwichs kebab qu'ils preparent. C'est trop bon!

Aseel youni

Max D

Good quality and friendly


You can buy Halal meat ???????? there. Staff is cooperative. Prices are OK.

Alexander Fernandes

Best Goat Mutton in Montreal. They apparently have their own farm and the nice gentleman at the counter apparently butchers them himself. The meat is fresh, tender, flavorful and has no musky aroma. We've purchased 4 times now, and had great quality every time.

Annie Perreault

Sandro Nelis

Ahmad Nazzal

Very good quality. Very nice persons, honest and generous. Best Halal place in Montreal

Dounia Kellou

I wish I could give 0. I went to this place because of the “good” reviews it’s gotten, but I I wish I never put my feet there. 1st, VERY limited choice (to not say no choice). And 2nd, the lady (I can call her “lady”) was RUDE, extremely rude, it was she was going to jump over the counter and hit me just because I speak quietly and she couldn’t hear me. NEVER ever in my entire life I was spoken that way ! Really sad and unfortunate. Don’t go it’s a waste of time

Francine Fortin

(Translated) we have been catering to this butcher's shop for more than fifteen years .... continuously ... fresh lamb ... fresh merguez ... super nice owner IMPOSSIBLE THESE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ..impossible !! (Original) nous nous approvisionnons à cette boucherie depuis plus de quinze façon continue...agneau frais...merguez fraîche... proprio super sympa IMPOSSIBLE CES COMMENTAIRES NÉGATIFS ..impossible !!

Jason Preston

These guys not only have lamb and goat but also mutton, which is hard to find.

NADIR Haroun

Miso Oh

The owners are lovely, welcoming and professional. Great customer service and very affordable. The meat is very very fresh tender and tasty. I recommend to everyone.

Ahmad tag

whalid boukhelifa

(Translated) Newly arrived in Montreal I was looking for a halal butcher without having to go to Jean Talon. Attracted by the positive comments I went there and for the moment we are clearly not on a butcher's shop (the meat sold is, for the most part, vacuum-packed and frozen) but rather on a well-stocked grocery store especially on all that is condiment . The only "fresh" meat had only the name (since when the displays are not supplied with electricity to respect the cold chain?) Even butchers in Algeria have a better standing on the hygiene of the products sold. Avoid if you are looking for a butcher, a rather wide choice if it is a grocery store that is in demand Ah and I forgot, the staff without masks who move in the store in full covid .. (Original) Fraîchement arrivé à Montréal j'étais en quête d'une boucherie halal sans avoir besoin d'aller à Jean Talon. Attiré ppar les commentaires positifs je m'y suis rendu et pour le coup on est clairement pas sur une boucherie ( la viande vendue est, pour majorité, sous vide et congelée) mais plutôt sur une épicerie bien fournie notamment sur tous ce qui est condiment. La seule viande "fraîche" n'en avait que le nom (depuis quand les présentoirs ne sont pas alimenté en électricité pour respecter la chaîne du froid ?) Même les boucheries en Algérie ont un meilleur standing sur l'hygiène des produits vendus.. A éviter si vous cherchez une boucherie, un choix plutôt large si c'est une épicerie qui est recherchée Ah et j'oubliais, le personnel sans masque qui se déplace dans le magasin en plein covid..

Dominique Tremblay

Je fréquente cette boucherie depuis de nombreuses années. Je n’ai jamais trouvé de meilleures Mergez autre part. L’agneau, le veau, les samosas et les sandwiches Kafta sont tellement bons! L’accueil est chaleureux et le service est excellent. Cet établissement est un petit trésor! Longue vie à cette boucherie familiale. Vous êtes sur ma liste de priorités lorsque je vais à Montréal. Un must!

Djamel Longo

(Translated) Worst merguez that I have eaten in all my life .. I hope I do not get sick .. I never comment shops but there I had no other choice. (Original) Pires merguez que j'ai mangé de toute ma vie.. j'espère ne pas tomber malade.. je ne commente jamais les commerces mais là je n'ai eu d'autres choix.

Yoann Lussier

(Translated) Difficult to give a bad rating since they have everything to please. They are friendly and helpful and the counters, always full and delicious meats. The choice is there, namely: mutton, lamb, chicken, beef and even heart and liver on request. (Original) Difficile de donner une mauvaise côte puisqu'ils ont tout pour plaire. Ils sont sympathiques et serviables et les comptoirs, toujours remplis et viandes délicieuses. Le choix y est, à savoir: mouton, agneau, poulet, boeuf et même coeur et foie sur demande.

Dienaba N'dongo

(Translated) Very friendly staff and sheep at a good price! (Original) Personnel très sympathique et mouton a bon prix!!!


(Translated) We are loyal customers for years of this butchery and do not understand the negative comments of some people. I think it's frankly bad faith and pure malice! The owner and his daughter are super nice, always smiling, helpful and above all generous. Whenever we go, (we move from the south shore to go) they offer free drinks, samosas, cakes and sometimes add merguez for example and I have never seen that elsewhere! And no, we did not get sick !! And no, they do not sell the remains of other butchers because I saw the whole lambs arrive and not leftovers! As for meat, sorry for you but it is cheaper than elsewhere, very fresh, tender and delicious! It is not because they are Muslim and the girl is wearing the veil that they are bad people !! THANKS, THANK YOU to this family who works hard every day, for their great welcome, the quality of their products and for their generosity! Thank you for encouraging them! (Original) Nous sommes des clients fidèles depuis des années de cette boucherie et ne comprenons pas les commentaires négatifs de certaines personnes. Je trouve que c’est franchement de la mauvaise foi et de la méchanceté pure ! Le propriétaire et sa fille sont super gentils, toujours souriants, serviables et surtout généreux. À chaque fois que nous y allons, (nous nous déplaçons de la rive-sud pour y aller) ils nous offrent gratuitement des boissons, samossas, gâteaux et parfois rajoutent des merguez par ex et j’ai jamais vu ça ailleurs ! Et non, nous ne sommes pas tombés malades !! Et non, ils ne vendent pas les restes d’autres boucheries car j’ai vu les agneaux entiers arriver et pas des restes ! Pour ce qui est de la viande, désolée pour vous mais elle est moins chère qu’ailleurs, très fraîche, tendre et délicieuse ! Ce n’est pas parce qu’ils sont musulmans et que la fille porte le voile que ce sont de mauvaises personnes !! MERCI, MERCI à cette famille qui travaille dure tous les jours, pour leur super accueil, la qualité de leurs produits et pour leur générosité ! Merci de les encourager !

Nasrine Chel

(Translated) There is unfortunately not a -5 otherwise it would be well deserved. This is my first time going there and it is clearly the last, pathetic staff. They did not even greet us with a hello when we came back or asked for what we wanted, moreover, there are 2 pieces of meat only not appetizing and not of good quality. I wanted to write this review because I relied on 4.4 given by other reviewers / consumers. (Original) Il n'y a malheureusement pas un -5 sinon, il serait bien mérité. C'est la première fois que je rentre là et c'est clairement la dernière, un personnel pathétique. Ils nous ont même pas accueils avec un bonjour quand on est rentrés ni demandés ce qu'on voulait, de plus, il y a 2 morceaux de viande seulement pas appétissants et pas de bonne qualité. Je tenais à écrire ce commentaire, car je me suis fiais au 4.4 donné par les autres évaluateurs / consommateurs.

Yoonis Guleed


A must. Came across this lovely shop and bought some Lamb. Really came out great. Juicy, tender and super fresh. Can’t wait to try more. Lovely and helpful owners too!

Sébastien Beaudet

(Translated) Very good butcher shop, very nice father and daughter (Original) Très bonne boucherie, père et fille très sympathiques

Business Hours of Boucherie Sabra in Longueuil

8AM TO 6:30PM
8AM TO 6:30PM
8AM TO 6:30PM
8AM TO 6:30PM
8AM TO 6:30PM
8AM TO 6:30PM
8AM TO 6:30PM


Boucherie Sabra en Longueuil
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