Reviews of Bowling Green State University (Bowling Alley)

Bowling Green, OH 43403

Average Rating:


You will be able to see the information of real people like you who used the services of Bowling Green State University (Bowling Alley) in Watson Lake (Canada).

As of day the business has a rating of 4.5 stars over 5 and that rating was based on 127 reviews.

You must have seen that the average of ratings is virtually the top, and it's based on a very high number of feddbacks, so we can think that the evaluation is very credible. If there are many people who bothered to leave their feddback when they've done well, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to place tatings when these are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Bowling Alley is included in the category of University.

Where is Bowling Green State University?

REVIEWS OF Bowling Green State University IN Watson Lake

Ambali Sodiq Abiodun


Bree Hardwick

Beautiful campus, great professors, good college experience!

Patrick Eborall

Britney Heiserman

Nikhil Reddy

Veronica Corona

Jeremiah Adesanya

Abbas Shakiba (abshakiba)

Digisoulwings (Ritzy)

Rebecca Marion

Attempting to get information about the education programs has been insane. No one knows information on gradation programs and even the one that was supposed to know refuses to help. The only he seemed worried about was the fact I didn't have a voice mail set up. Staff is very unhelpful at this college

Crissy (Crissy)

1v1 fortnite

pokemon anime

Lorraine Wireman

Good college

MSN’s Nsnsn

First college visit. Great atmosphere and knowledgeable staff! Wonderful place for high education!

Dakota Lause

Bowling Green State University is a fantastic mid sized State school. The campus is clean and well maintained, the staff and faculty are extremely helpful and knowledgeable. The campus culture is diverse and friendly. It's like a snap shot of home with world class education facilities!

Riley Kinn

jonah rehm

Jason Hartigan

Marecia Gaston

Unfortunately I'm a BGSU alumni and I cannot recommend this university to anyone. I had several problems with the housing especially at MacDonald and all of my concerns were totally ignored (by Briar Wintersteen and others in Housing... Briar would walk around everywhere barefoot yet somehow he was the Resident Director of MacDonald dormitory). There were several decent teachers in Computer Science department when I attended but usually when scheduling you'd just see 'STAFF' in the Star90 scheduling system so you barely could pick who your instructors were anyway. Once, I had an English professor named Elsa Gutman who was so bad she admitted she had only given one person an A in 10+ years of being at the school. She constantly mentioned how German she was and made constant daily references to alcohol and bar tending while teaching the class. The entire university is centered on a cemetery so nothing is conveniently located besides the graveyard and maybe the Math building. The parking was also comically bad. Many students would have to park out in the Lot A Overflow lot which was very aptly named because it would fill up with water if it rained lightly and I had witnessed multiple cars get stuck in high water and multiple years cars were abandoned due to getting flooded in this wonderful Lot A Overflow... which, by the way, was right next to I-75 and required a bus ride into both the town and the university. They were also extremely heavy handed with the parking tickets for having such poor parking availability. I think the average student had around $125 in tickets before graduating. I was told they were going to build a parking garage (as a reason for increased tuition charges), but as of my last visit in 2019 they still haven't built a parking garage. From everything I saw the University treated their students as solely a cash commodity... They just saw them as a way to make money and not as real people. The only place that had more disregard for the students was the city of Bowling Green which is also funny because without the university that town would have next to nothing other than the national tractor pulls and Scott Hamilton. It's surrounded by corn fields. There is pretty much nothing to do there in the winter and there are no hills so you can't even really get out and enjoy the windy snow. If I had to give anything pluses for my anything from my entire stay for undergrad here I'd say a lot of things the school doesn't control are good and a few things at the school... Big ups to Campus Pollyeyes breadsticks, the Rec center, Hayes Hall, Guy Zimmerman, the Art building for being open 24/7, Pita Pit/Subway/Taco Bell and all the decent bars and clubs Uptown/Downtown, Brat Haus, Howard's, and the Dane Cook show.


Brad Berg

Katherine Mestas

Christian-Ana Grey-Steele

Kevin Lotosky

Currently using a computer on campus and their own website won't even load.

hanuma chowdary

Eric Bell

Jason Wayman

Great site laid out very well.

Evan Matheney

mike hunt

Graduated in 1984 and still find it "home" Go Sig Ep!

Nick Buchanan

A Hamilton

Jerry Schnepp

richard harper

The greatest place on Earth.

Ennis Morgan

It was great

Allison Maynard

I'm a thousand miles away from here, but I know someone who goes here... so that's something

Mr. Anthony

jaden hi

Benjamin Lee

I have bad experience about Bowling Green State University about Faculty is not helpful. I attend Fall 1982 as a graduate student.I will say waste of money in state of Ohio.There many good universities in the state of Ohio. Look at Google Review of Universities in the state of Ohio.

C.J. Rushman

Kay Clingenpeel

Zahraa Habib

Michelle Wilson

Meadow Kaye

Ashley Ann

Love it n most important part is that the teacher's help n understand if u have a prob

Edna Anderson

Toy Byrd

Josh Cavinder

Bennett Glasgow

Best Edu programs Ever

Miller Time

(Translated) Excellent very good deal (Original) Exelente muy buen trato

Minhaj Ahmed

Seen 2 games nice place

Kelsey Collins

Jose Maciel

Great graduation today!

Ross Delgado

Kevin McCallum

Tyler Drees

Karan Nakade

Willie Carter

very well, has a good melting point very useful for realizeing science. i was only injured while playing the guitar, not attendenting the college

Indranna Ewans

Alegra D

Pragya Khanal

Tom Barstow

The worst decision of my life was going to school here. I knew when attending but decided to graduate from the inferior school anyhow. I regret going, regret staying, regret graduating from a school with such arbitrary regulations, inadequate yet haughty faculty, and such a mundane setting. My experiences weren't just confined to my discipline of geography but really ran deep through the institutional culture of the entire university.

Samira Prova

Haley Miller

Shawn Sharp

Deon Spiller

Jermie Joseph

Kai Drummond

Derek Myers

Edessa Stockard (edessa22)

Bowling Green State University is in a word...AWESOME. I went there for my Masters and frankly speaking, those were few of the best days of my life. I am actually very surprised to see that the average score isn't above 4.75, at least. The school has everything a student can possibly ask for, an excellent faculty, a very helpful staff and the best overall atmosphere for a great student life. The library though could use a bit of an upgrade in terms of the range of books offered. But still, that is just the one aspect that I can think off where the University needs work. And if you are talking about the age of few of the building, then let me just say that it only adds to the experience. It’s an absolutely beautiful campus and the building (old and new) just adds to its brilliance. Coming to the teachers, they are all great, willing to go the extra mile to help a student out and make sure that you have all that you need to be a good student. In my entire experience I can't point out a single teacher that was even average, all were really good. As I mentioned before BGSU has a great campus, it might not be as colossal as some of the bigger Universities have but is still pretty huge. In fact it’s of the perfect size, not so big as to be a drag to go from one point (dept. building) to another but also big enough to give you a sense that you are a part of a decent size campus. The University is also investing big time into upgrading the campus, last time I visited a friend there, I saw a whole new Dorm come up along with a new arts center. I believe they are revamping the entire campus pumping in some $250M to do it with. As mentioned in another review (I believe it was Amanda's) this University exudes diversity, in every aspect of its life, students, teachers, activities...etc. That is what made this place such a joy to be in. Coming to the life outside the campus, well, if you are nocturnal then there are enough night clubs and bars to keep you content and of course several local restaurant and pizza places are there too. The place also has a Wal-Mart Super Center and a Meijer's, so you know....groceries shouldn't be a problem. :-D More importantly, its Career Fair is what is so darn important. Because BG is in close proximity to so many important cities, business wise, the career fair has a huge number of companies coming in. These are for internships as well as full time jobs, and given the fact that even during the horrid time of late 2008 when the US economy had imploded, there were still several companies that showed up, I'd say its a very good place to be in career wise. Finally I'd just like to say that you can't help but fall in love with this place, its homely, full of warm helpful people and best of all its got excellent courses and the faculty to back it up with.

Skyler Hofsas


practical incongruity

Mckenna Taylor

Historic place with learny feel.

supreme mallo

Laura Ulrick

christal johnson

William Sheehan, III

Tamica Johnson-Thornton

Craig R

Great school

Sleiman Masri

As a senior set to graduate in May, I cannot express enough how blessed I have felt to have completed my undergraduate studies here at BGSU. I was not the type who fell into the cliche of falling in love with campus on my first visit. Rather, I felt that I would get the necessary training and support I needed to be successful with my future goals. As an out of state student, I typically went home once or twice a year at most. Therefore, I thought it was crucial to find a college where I could be both happy and successful. BGSU gave me so many educational and extra curricular opportunities that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else. As I prepare for dental school, I can honestly say that I think BGSU gave me tools I need to be successful in my graduate and professional life. I became involved early on in residence life, student organizations, and off campus organizations as well. Now, this is not to say I didn't occasional struggle academically. However, BGSU was able to offer me the help I needed (honestly, I love that I can get free tutors here!). Frankly, there is never a dull moment here at BG, regardless of what your focus is. Despite not going home much, BGSU became my home away from home. I think that BGSU is a great place to experience real student life while getting an academic challenge. Roll Along current and future falcons! I hope that you choose BGSU and enjoy it as much as I have. :)

Aiden Wallace

Nioka Thacker

Granddaughter graduated from Bowling Green High School today. Very nice

Graham Lewis

Minniee Dolly

Kanishk Aditya

I am a current freshman at BGSU, majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I chose to come here because it was close to home and BG has a respected program for my major. I live in Centennial this year, and I love it! I also really like the location of the university. There is so much to do around campus and on it. A few of my close friends from high school are attending here as well so I was lucky enough to have friends from the beginning, but being on campus is a really great way to make new friends because everyone here is friendly. The workload can be stressful, but I've found that there are several resources to help you stay on track and most professors are always willing to be of assistance. The food served in the dining halls can be a little bizarre sometimes, but I've learned to try new things and have never had a problem finding something I liked. I plan to attend BG for all six years of my schooling because there is no better school!

Darepublicstar Comedy

Ryan and Cheryl Devine

Jay Instone

I graduated in 2014, and I had a good experience there. Overall, my education was filled with awareness on social issues in this country and abroad. BGSU had a great psychology department and opportunities for student media. The school also had good resources, like the career center. The Bowen Thompson Student Union was always a hub for meals, but I enjoyed the quiet study areas on the third and fourth floors whenever I wanted quiet time for myself. Finally, the school had several organizations that appealed to student's interests and careers, like the LGBTQ community organization, one for larping, quidditch, religious organizations, and more.

ACHIEVERS POINT (Achievers Point)

Outreach Ministries

Elizabeth Ennemoser

Celtic Ma

A school with way too much funding and excessive campus police… would not recommend unless you want to get tackled out of your car by campus police when your not even on campus!!!

rajendran mahendran

Joseph Menard

Rosco NoE

Extremely expensive but they have a heavy focus on updating technology and their campus. Very impressive campus and dorms.

Misty Stevens

People often said that Thierry Boyle was the most boring man in the world. Thierry didn’t know why people thought he was so boring. Thierry thought he was quite interesting.

Michael Retholtz

Molly Horst

Brittany Black

Nick Biere

my heart goes out to all the victims of the bowling green massacre

George Stossel

Attended the BGSU vs UT game. Unfortunately, the Falcons were outmatched by the visiting Rockets.

James Bolden

Colin Holliday

Terrible school. All the teachers are foreign, food sucks, and the bursar office costs you money just trying to figure out the bill. ITS department is the worst, no wireless across campus and they charge for everything.

Ralph cevetto

Timmy Bell

Ghaith Binmahfouz

kartheek nsk

Kammie Lea

I went back to college at BGSU when I was 52, I presently have 2 college students and would not recommend BGSU to anyone, especially if you are a parent! Steer your college age student far away from this University. Very early in the semester I went to class and BGSU had an event going on and there were no parking spaces available for parking, I parked in the lot I was assigned to and was given a ticket because Iwas not in exactly the right place, I was in my assigned lot and parked along side several other cars that had to park in what was available as well. I appealed the ticket and was told what I should have done was to to a parking lot that was even further away (this was already one of the furthest lots and I had planned accordingly time-wise), I was already late for class because of this issue and would not have made it to class at all if I had gone to the lot that was off-campus and then caught the shuttle.


bad staff. many are not professionals as they should be. However, certain programs are good and you will learn stuff for credit towards a degree or two degree or whatever you are doing.

Mary Kate Dooley

Angela Straka

Cicely Watkins

Alberto Sanchez

Bryan Bills

Jessica Chebra

Paul Miller

klye Johnston

probably one of the best schools in Ohio. graduated in 2012 and not a day goes by that I don't think about it! so memorable!

Nicholas Hay

Vagish Vela

High Quality Education! Lovely Professors!! Beautifull Place!!!

Austan Kolk

Pretty campus overall, lots of new construction and buildings in the last two years I have visited (summer piano camp for a high school age son).

Luciana Vega

Temitope Omotunde

Lukas Ohms

Taylor Bohn

Loved it

Jack McKessy

Beautiful campus

Brian Fuerst

Tim Ermatov

Amber Dudley

I am a freshman at BGSU and ever since I first stepped foot on this campus in 2002 I have always loved it. I wanted to come here ever since then and for my dream to come true is as equally as amazing as this campus is. You won't find a mean spirited person on this campus and there will always be someone who can help you. I couldn't be happier here.

Srikar Arepalli

Family went for orientation... everyone was very warm, welcoming and helpful. One of the instructors even provided me a ride to my car on a golf cart due to my bad knee. Also the police personnel were very comforting on campus safety.

Cassie Calvert

Bernadette Opsahl (Team Ops)

Chris Wagler

Courtney Sledge

Chevol Davis

LaShawn Sparks

Ashley Ault

Kimmy Dunkin

Great pool, COVID safe, I've been going here for my swim meets since that last 3 years. I recommend this place

James Avolt


Jeremy Nadler

Kelsey Meyer

Mark Williams

Bowling Green State University is the best university that I have ever worked at. It is very student-centered and all employees are treated well. I would select the school for my child before considering any other Ohio school. The school is in a safe location and offers so many amenities to their students and support.

Karen Snyder

Zack Kallas

Great being back!!

Motaher Hossain

Joseph Hasseltine

Trey Williams

I went to BGSU for one year and absolutely hated it... it was so different than what I thought it was going to be. When I visited campus my senior year of high school, I absolutely adored what I thought would be my home for the next four years. When I got to school and reality set in, there were so many things I found that I hated. I was first told by the Bursar's office and tour guides that it would cost me roughly $12,000 to go to school at BGSU for one year, after my freshman year.. I was in debt $21,000 - that may even be an underestimate. The food on campus is absolutely terrible and overpriced. Some of the teachers I had were the rudest people I had ever interacted with. I could go on and on, but I promise you, BGSU is not the school that they make themselves out to be.

Danielle Stager

Laura Hurst

Never at any other university I've been to since was I treated as badly as I was at this school by faculty. And the location is horrible. The locals are creeps who love to prey on the students. The amount of women I know who were raped their freshman year at this school is disgusting. It's out in the middle of no where and is a massively depressing environment.

Inspirational Leadership Legacy Passion 4 others

Cody G

Kevin “Drexxel”

Sabrina Brooks

Akshay Dirisala

Beautiful campus

David Bordeaux

Tysen Nemeth

Amber Cook

Paul Banner

Front desk person was super nice and helpful. Love those Starships! McDonald Hall and campus very clean.

Kovuru Akhil


Great school learned alot about life! Great time in my life!

Becca Boos

Beautiful campus and all the little mobile robot boxes! Guess I've been living under a rock! Super cool!

Liz Simmons

Caitlyn Menicucci

Firstly I apologize for leaving a comment here instead of where bus service is , for there's not even any platform to directly giving a feedback to the bgsu bus service. I believe that any organization/department should have a window to listen to the comments from the public, otherwise, some diehard careless people will keep the behaviors with little sense of responsibility. Your bus time schedule is posted on the website and confirmed by all of people on this campus. However, on one Friday, one bus driver on the blue line bus came at the stop parking lot A at 6:50, and he rejected to take the last route before the normal schedule (7:00 pm on Friday). Yes, the drive believed that he is not supposed to take the ten people waiting at the stop for ten minute seem not enough for him to finish the last tour and he want to end up earlier for he want to go home, no matter if these ten students at the stop would take at least 30 min to walk to home AT 30 F degree! Yes, you may say taking the last tour back to campus will make your work time exceed what should be for several minutes, and it is true. But the people at the but stop have been waiting there at least from 6:45 (15 min before the settled 7:00 pm!!!) without knowing your incoming plan of not to take any people. And the bus is running on the bgsu bus map as usual, which really befuddled us who leave from our department building at 6:40. You are a bus driver, you have more sense than us how to estimate the arriving time. If should have realized on your second last tour (at least 6:40 pm on the road somewhere Dr. College) that the last tour is not able to be finished before 7:00 pm. Surely, you can withdraw your responsibility to take the last tour 6:50-7:00, but PLEASE INFORM US at 6:40. You should shut down the GPS tracking which befuddle us the bus is still running and back to campus at 6:40 so that you don't have to waste such a long time for people to wait for you. You may cancel the last tour for personal reasons, but please do not indicate you are still coming on the "bgsu bus map" (if you don't know how to do that, you could contact the technical persons at office. AT LEAST Try to do so!) But what you did? Decided to take more people after you arrive the stop on campus! We have waited for you for 10 min without knowing your crucial decision until the LAST MINUTE. If you tend to indicate us: wanna catch the last bus? Don't Expect you are still able to after 6:35! Tell us in advance! Otherwise I consider this behavior as a violation of trust. Or, it's merely an extreme dereliction of duty. Please: try to remove the bus symbole from the tracking map once you decide not to take any more before the last minute! Do not make decision on the spur of the moment! Or, to stick to the principle of good faith, take the last ten students waiting at the bus stop to shoulder the results of not informing people in advance. Otherwise, your whimsical and unpredictable decision is very inappropriate and it will impair others. Also, we all witness that most of the bus drivers of bgsu have good sense of responsibility and time management. It would to so unworthy to gain a terrible reputation among students and the public for merely the careless behavior of only one of two of them. But this behavior is disastrous enough to undermine the credibility among people. We don't know the name of the bus driver, so our only response is holding a terrible impression of the service to student of this school from now on.

Jermaine Walton

Space Unicorn

Shhhh. Do not tell anyone. BG music and theater performances are excellent. Nice facilities. Free lot parking for evening events. But shhhh. Please help us keep this the best kept secret in the area. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Noanna Dunkin

Great school good people

Music Master

Beautiful campus and scenery.

Sarah Karpinski

Angeleena Mulligan

Prudence Esi Adibah

Danialle Horner

I worked here and went to school, this place is bad. they over charge you for everything. Most classes are taught by faculty. and they mess up a lot of paper work. They also pay student employees the bare minimum. Don't go here

Erica Sadlik

My son just committed to the university, can't wait to visit and watch some great football this coming year and get AWAY COVID! LETS GO CHRIS JOHNSON!

I would definitely masturbate to this

Nicholas Goins

My daughter loves it there...nice campus!

Rob Oddo

Great place to attend college, the dinning system is a scam though.

Sam Edwards

Imagine getting hit by a train for four years straight. Now imagine getting hit by a train for four years straight in a good way. This is BGSU

Kyle Baran

Alonzo Wright


Without BGSU! I would've never been apart of the legendary "Stroh Center Rap" Video! @Rosco_NoE

Elijah Whiteside

Jake Witherington

Michael Summers

John Engelhardt


Jackson Zooker

Honestly I'm only going here because I can commute. Would rather be going to Ohio University. Go Bobcats!

Beth Lebold

Phillip Martin

Good quality education with affordable price. The mid-sized campus makes it easier to mingle and socialize with all sorts of people. I was an international graduate student there and met a lot of domestic and international student friends during my time at BGSU. The town is quiet, safe, easy to get around, and has many cheap apartments. School may not be super famous overseas, but a lot of people I know find good jobs after graduation. If you are an international student, want to study in the U.S., but worry about the cost, you might want to consider this place.

Bill Rudloff


Beth Brail

Emily Fouts

I heard it is nice and clean up

Ying-bei Eldridge

It was fine when I drove past. Nothing too exciting going on today. Lol

Carrie j Heck

Cool college!

Kerry Stein

Scott Mamone

An absolutely amazing campus! I'm very glad I committed here!

James Faught

Thomas Worrell

vamsi prasad

Great University

Saripudi Vamsi


Possibly the rudest bunch of staff I've ever met. I transferred to Ohio University and the education I received there is worlds better than BGSU!

Cat Eaton

Awesome, great campus, scenic, beautiful, fans there are great, great facilities, great school!

Alex Hendricks

Love going to the BGSU games at the Strong Center! I HATE paying $10 to park! Absolutely ridiculous and I won't do it anymore

Austin Lighthill

Jake Fleming


BGSU! The school for you! Well, I don't know if that's true, but I do know that it is the school for me. If I love it, you might love it too. Ay Ziggy Zoomba everyday!

Lia Bias

Jackie Hughes

Very good!

Dwaylon Alexander


Joshua Knudsen

They kept everyone safe and distancing was in place. Very clean and natatorium was cool.

Collin Sherwood

It was a toxic place to work at on first shift. The employees I worked with showed less maturity then the students who went to the university. The parking was ridiculous but the higher ups dont care. They get to park wherever they please. It's simply not a place that treats its employees with much respect.

George Handel

Beautiful campus.

Jamie Feyes

A beautiful campus in a town full of kind friendly people and small businesses.

Tay Sauer

Steve Wright

Amanda Hall

Best college in Ohio

Robin Hill

Love my city, love my college :)

Dan P

Marcia Anderson

Great facility for watching hockey.

Maria Dominguez


What a beautiful campus! All the staff was polite and entirely helpful.

Carla Luppino

Had an amazing time here! Lot's to do, great professors, found a job right away, got into a great law school (hated that and left). Join Greek life, go on Outdoor Program trips, play intramural sports, go out to the bars, and actually go to class. Don't complain, make the best of it!

Terri Lukshaitis

Being a senior at BGSU, I truly feel like I have gotten the opportunity to receive the entire BGSU experience. I have made it through the cold weather, the long finals weeks, and everything else you can expect from any University in the Midwest, and to this day I cannot imagine myself anywhere else. Coming in from out of state to attend BGSU ended up being one of the best decisions I have made. It has given me the knowledge and skills I had needed to receive my job after graduation and for a success in my life/career. With the size of a Division I University but the comfort of a small town, the opportunities here at BGSU are endless! GO FALCONS!!

Burt Wade

Wish I could give zero stars. Rudest group of people I've ever met in an academic setting.

Angie Cornelius

BGSU created an amazing experience for me; it was home away from home. Bowling Green is a simple town, with everything college students could ever *need* within 5 miles. There is a perfect balance between peaceful, safe and fun. My instructors were fantastic and cared deeply about their students. Student life was phenomenal. They have a fantastic recreation center and amazing people all around. Falcon for life!

Harsha Samarasinghe

Paul Schauer

Thisplace Sucks

Yoel M

Taioni Smith

Badr A

Bowling Green

Bryce Krimmel

Ryan Neal

Bill Dabbelt

came here just to go to Starbucks and play with the robots I do not attend

senny Howard


Mark Grant

It's was great my grandauther enjoy herself very much.

Merril Widmer

Kelly Granger

Decker Sebastiani

Felicia Streater

Do yourself a favor and attend college somewhere else.

Nathan Welch

Bowling Green was by far the best decision I have ever made in my life. As a recent graduate, BGSU has lead me to much success in my young career, and given me lasting relationships I will carry with me for a lifetime! Always proud to call myself a Bowling Green Falcon!

Kathy C

George Brown


Eric Hartman

Ed McMasters

Tucker Marshall

Wonderful University. Very welcoming and supportive. Highly committed to the measures to help stop the spread of the new Covid-19.

chris capponi

Went to the Moore Musical Arts Center to watch a group of very talented high-school and college students perform for the Falcon Choral Festival.

Andrea Brubaker

did not care for the mean man working the check out lane

Jacob Brooks

Annie Sheidler-Bostwick

Jodi Ireland

Monica Todd


Raymundo Cortes

Tee Vana

BGSU turned out to be the perfect school for me. I am a junior studying Early Childhood Education, and I couldn't ask for a better experience. The professors I've had are passionate about what they teach, and do everything they can to help students succeed. By the end of next fall I feel confident that I will be prepared to handle my own classroom. There are so many ways to get involved on campus! I have enjoyed being a part of many organizations here, and made some lasting friendships. I love BGSU for many reasons but the main reason would have to be how kind the people are. Walking around campus, it is impossible not to see a smiling face. It's a great place to be!

Sean Kocher

Great college experience in a classic college town. Smaller class sizes and a more personal experience with professors. You can get out of your education whatever you are willing to put in at this school.

Loving it


Rachel Amstutz

Scott Deering

Bryan Hollingsworth

From day one of my freshman year, BGSU has provided me with so many amazing opportunities and experiences both in the classroom and on campus. Not only have my classes and professors helped me both educationally and professionally, I have also been able to get involved with many great organizations on campus such as the Early Childhood Education program, Greek life, and intramurals. Thanks to Bowling Green State University I am in my fourth year here as an Early Childhood Education major and that experience alone has been outstanding from the beginning. I have had so many hands on experiences in different classroom settings from pre-schools to tutoring centers to various elementary grade levels where I have been able to expand my teaching skills and knowledge with the help of mentor teachers. The professors have been more than helpful making sure that I have all the resources I need to succeed in the teaching profession. I love everything about BGSU from the welcoming feeling I get just being on campus, to the education I have received here, as well as the organizations I have been able to get involved in. BGSU makes it easy to want to step outside of your comfort zone and experience things you'd never thought were possible. As a senior I can confidently say that BGSU has given me all that I could have wanted out of my college experience and then some and for that I am entirely grateful.

Tamara McClain


Suzanne Speier

Mollie Gordon

Went to see the new show at the planetarium. Good parking access for the afternoon show on Saturday.

Gregory Swickard

Harold Olsen

Nathan Riley

Watched daughter at PGC basketball camp. Great program

Andrew Mickey

It has been a great school for my daughter. COVID has just screwed things up.

hannah hicks (Chuya is Love)

Robert Mead

James Nem

James Wickham

heather zuniga

I go to college here. As with all colleges, there are flaws and annoyances, but it is a great place overall and I've grown a lot.

jeff gatsios

Renato Zuniga

Michelle Ruiz

James Bradley

Great university. Very friendly.

Alex Clair

Great school, great education,great graduation ceremony! BG is the place to BE!

Thomas Fitzpatrick

Okay Boomer

Got a Bachelor of Science Degree, Dual Majoring in Architecture and Construction Management. After co-op's, graduating, active job searching and attending all their job fairs went a year unemployed. Would suggest not going here.

Bobby Dale

BGSU is a phenomenal institution. I am in my last semester here, and I will miss it. It's best-known for its education and business programs, and as an education major, I can attest to the strength of its education program. I lived in Harshman when I was on campus, and it's a pretty great hall. They're all a little different. They definitely have character. Harshman is an older hall, and a lot of students prefer the newer halls like Centennial, but in my honest opinion, they're all nice, and the halls are great means of making friends. Take advantage of all of the social opportunities that RAs organize and meet your hall-mates! Living on campus was really a blast. The biggest complaint about the university has always been the weather---and that comes with living in Ohio. :)

Matt Metcalf

Dana Williams

Amir Huggins

great experience from the airport!!

Alicia Hudson

Great college setting. Beautiful campus.

Raycattrucking LLC

I originally went to bowling for soup university for an undergrad degree. The communication department at Green Bay state university was interesting at first but when trying to decide on a degree I didn’t know what journalism degree to choose from the 15+ they had. Like seriously, I thought journalism was journalism. Everyone there acted like they were at an Ivy League school too. So instead of wasting my time here at green bean state university I transferred to “THE” Ohio State University.

Mark Hicks

Tonya j Lowry

Dana Shawler

Bowling Green is NOT a state. Also their QB is not good.

Richard Johnston

Bernardo Ribeiro

Really nice campus. The buildings and facilities are maintained really well. I enjoyed looking around and the Student Union has a decent variety of food. They also have Starbucks here! For someone visiting the staff and students are really nice and helpful.

OTB 17

(Translated) Bowling Green State University, famous for the nickname BGSU. The University is a recognized public university, located 36 kilometers south of Toledo, Ohio. Bowling Green University was founded in 1910 AD. This university offers most academic and academic disciplines due to the presence of specialized colleges in the most fields of higher education. The university provides higher education for its staff in all stages, such as the baccalaureate, master's and doctoral levels. Bowling Green State University has two campuses. The main campus is located in Bowling Green, while the other campus is located in Huron, Sandusky County (97 kilometers east of Bowling Green). The number of male and female students enrolled in the university is estimated at 18,000, the majority of whom are baccalaureate students. (Original) جامعة بولنغ غريين ستيت, وتشتهر بكُنية BGSU. هذه الجامعة هي جامعة حكومية معترف بها, وتقع الجامعة على بُعد 36 كيلو متر جنوباً من مدينة توليدو في ولاية أوهايو. تأسست جامعة بولنغ غريين في عام 1910 ميلادية. تقدم هذه الجامعة اغلب التخصصات الدراسية و الأكاديمية بحكم وجود كليات متخصصه في أكثر مجالات التعليم العالي. و توفر الجامعة مراحل التعليم العالي لمنسوبيها في جميع مراحله كمرحلة البكالوريس و الماجستير و أيضاً مرحلة الدكتوراة. جامعة بولنغ غرين ستيت لديها حرمين جامعيين, الحرم الجامعي الأساسي يقع في مدينة بولنغ غرين, اما الحرم الجامعي الاخر يقع في مدينة هورون في مقاطعة ساندوسكي (97 كيلو شرقاً من مدينة بولنغ غرين). عدد الطلاب و الطالبات المنتسبين في الجامعة يقدر ب18 الفاً, غالبيتهم من طلاب مرحلة البكالوريس.

Michael Fowle

A wonderful place for your child to learn how to play hockey or figure skating

Matt Dittoe

Scott Munch

Don't do it!!!!! Teachers are complete morons. Food sucks. Parking sucks. They are also way too expensive. Then when you do go transfer they dick you around with sending your transcripts to your school. All I'm going to say is there are so many better places to go!

Kyle Cooper

Excellent university!!!!

Jeff Pohlmann

Renee Boehnlein

Christine McHale

Gary Fox

Sunday after Christmas took a nostalgic campus tour. It was great, no one was around and I could just stroll about. Started counting new buildings, that have appeared since my days on campus and decided it was easier to count the one that I knew, that were still there. Even my old dorm was gone! South Hall, my speech and theatre homebase was renamed. But get this, the Bursar's building was gone too, if they would have asked I would have helped tear that one down. The advancements in technology and convenience that have amassed since I graduate in 1985 really changed the place. Proud to be a Falcon!!!!!!!!

Terri Hanna

Kirsten Cox

It was great as usual

Adam Michalak

Ayima Amandy

ed bland

GUARANTEE YOU, whoever came up with the idea of an uneven indoor track also came up with the idea of a papertowel-less bathroom. The recreation center does not have paper towels in the locker rooms/bathrooms. I have to blow my nose into my hands and then wash them. Secondly, the Education buildings STUDENT LOUNGE is constantly filled with teachers.

Meejo Almadhi

brian smith

Lynn Tucker

Easy to navigate campus, helpful staff, very clean, very fun atmosphere.

Kim Foster

Lisa Grills

So excited for my daughter to start school here, this fall

Jill Auchmuty

Azucena Aviles

(Translated) It’s a tree (Original) It’s geed

Charles Curley

Don't allow you to do any tricks that you have learned in classes that were provided for the necessity of learning those tricks. No control over people skating to fast. Allow to much socialization while others are on the ice trying to attempt tricks. Horrible staff.

hison 7713

Andrea LeBarr-Weber

Route 19

Shirley Hayward

I love it here at BGSU! I am a Music Major with a minor in Psychology hoping to go on to get my Master's Degree in Music Therapy and I have no doubts that I will be prepared for that day! The classes are challenging, but there is always help when you need it. Dorm life was great, off campus life is awesome too! I love the recreation opportunities on and off campus, there are so many things to do for free right in the area! I love that we're in such a small safe town with such a big Division 1 college feeling. Getting involved on campus is so easy, which makes it really easy to find where you fit in on campus - being involved has been the best thing about undergrad so far for me. I love BGSU, and I would never change my college decision - I love the Music Department, I love the sports, I love the Marching Band, I love the people, I love my classes, and I love the people here. Roll Along Falcons!

Viridiana Torres

Jhhh Ygg

Halima Islamova

Fred Penn

rhonda stemmer

Emmah Gollihue

karen poling

Kinny Odai

Tom Sandford


A Saki

Richard Kroeger

Kimberly Keiber


Went for a background check and there was nobody onsite that could do it. Website said anytime. Very disappointed. Wasted parking money and time

Trey Parsons

Melissa T

Loved, even with the early spring and everything green. I could easily see how this place could be beautiful. Would love to come and tour the facilities in the future.

Tim james

Beautiful campus, great people, friendly and welcoming.

Rebecca Kaiser

Savannah Doty

Pamela Knisely

Great campus with many great programs! I have multiple friends who go here and they all seem like they are excelling compared to myself! Their aviation program seems like it is one of the best around and have multiple friends going here for that reason! I have also heard very good things about the education majors. The campus is very safe and really well laid out. The buildings look very modern! Downtown has very nice places to eat, hang out, shop, and party! The wifi is a tad slow and I'm not sure why, but it is livable. The weather is very cold in the winter because of wind and the landscape being so flat, but they do have public transportation to get to classes and other buildings/ places.

Paul Baker

Daniel Myers

Great school, Teachers are wonderful, Achieve your dreams

Connor Harrison

Abel Corral

Nancy Rogers

brian okwiri

Chris Wyant

Honestly the little delivery bots are super cute and made the entire trip worth it. Also the people are nice.

Brian Keaton

great school.....felt right at home from the first day I arrived there...

Dawn Smith

Shut Up Hoe

Chris Thompson

Elizabeth O

B Westmoon

(Translated) HEELS UP (Original) TALONS UP

Lori Shambarger

Great college for the arts and music!

Travis cox

Visited family plot at the cemetery. Cannot get over how the grounds are wonderfully maintained and obviously respected.

Jason Peslikis


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