Terrible. Ill-equipped place. I had doubts the moment I walked in. The brushes had missing bristles, broken bristles and were full of hair. Not cleaned between clients, only combed out, which is gross as not everyone gets their hair washed. Between two of us they were sharing one curling iron, one comb and one can of hairspray. Hair did not turn out at all how I wanted and lost ALL but one tiny curl 3 hours later, after making sure not to touch it for the 20 minutes it takes for the gel spray to set. I left at 3 and it was straight by dinner at 6. She had to curl my whole head twice, I would assume because she didn’t have her own hairspray to spray when it needed to hold the curl the first round. My hair was teased and had some volumizing powder put in it, only to have it plastered to my head and pinned back because she ran out of options to try and salvage her first hour of work. Only one side was supposed to be pinned. Trying to comb the rats nest out today did a LOT of damage. It didn’t need teasing or the powder to get a simple side parted curl. And now I’ve got a terrible bumpy rash all over my head that is so itchy I’ve resorted to gold bond cream on my scalp to get some relief. I still tipped as the girl was pleasant enough and I understand they rely on tips. But overall I was so very disappointed with the place and results. Never again.
Perhaps sort your stylists out with their own products and tools to use at each station.
Something other than hard plastic chairs to sit in for 1.5 hours would be great too.