This whole appointment for a mortgage with Libro was a waste of time. We had an appointment with Kim.
My partner works late every night and so we chose a Friday night appointment and he even took an hour off work to be there. When we arrived we learned that she never had intentions of us applying for a mortgage, and instead this was an “affordability discussion“.
I had brought all the papers needed to apply for a mortgage, and when we were discussing being preapproved she then advised against it. My partner and I know that no real estate agent would realistically work with clients unless first being preapproved, so we thought this was weird.
She ran a few numbers from our papers and used what WE thought was a good number for a house, and basically just said “yes you can afford this amount“, but never actually said the maximum amount that we could afford.
All of this was a huge waste of time for us.
The part of our conversation that stands out and why I’m writing this review, is when we were discussing my temporary full-time versus part-time hours, she said my part-time hours would more accurately reflect what I would be getting during a maternity leave As I’m “young and will probably start blowing kids out soon”. Word for word. We laughed at the time because it was really awkward, but that was SO unprofessional for her to say. Especially to new potential clients.
We’re glad the application was never done because of this experience. And we have told this story to many people who are equally appalled at her choice of words.
Next time it would be advised to take young first time buyers seriously, and maybe take a course on professionalism. We took our business elsewhere and are very glad we did.