Let's just put it this way...Peter and office will inundate you with calls. You think what a wonderful man asking about you, seeing if you're alright. Saying the same things over and over again. Obviously you.. the non lawyer will you see what a wonderful human being he truly is. But..and there's a huge but.. the niceties fade, when reading your final bill. A great big bill at that..not only makes you truly understand the meaning behind all of those lovely calls. Every call is a lot of money, YOUR money..his time is worth far more than yours you see. In front of others..the heavens open, all smiles. Seeing him away from said practice is another matter. He doesn't know you, nor Remember you! The man has dollar signs for pupils. He cares nothing for you or how life changing this event has been for you. The pittance you get for your pain and suffering is nothing.. compared to his holidays on you! As I saw him when I was on holiday we bumped into one another.The term liars.. used for lawyers! Is highly appropriate. He made more money off my circumstance than justified. The phone calls alone when tallied were beyond exorbitant unreasonable. Someone recommended him as I was in an accident in that lovely city. But came with a price! I still live in horrid pain, and will the rest of my life. So..maybe it's just me? Fine... but I can, and will leave this review, warning of what I befell. Because no matter what... he will take from you as much as he can while smiling and handing you the pen to sign off! Peter I do hope you read this n when finished take a bow! A glowing performance!