Reviews of Glace Bay High School (Architect)

201 Reserve St, Glace Bay, NS B1A 4W3, Canada

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You will be able to see all the information of real people like you who consumed the products of Glace Bay High School (Architect) in the territory of Glace Bay (Canada).

At present this business gets a rating of 1.6 stars over 5 and this rating is based on 29 reviews.

You must have seen that the average of ratings is insufficient, and it is founded on a large number of opinions, so we can say that the evaluation is quite accurate. If people have bothered to value when they are happy, it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to give feddbacks when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Architect is classified in the category of School.

Where is Glace Bay High School?

REVIEWS OF Glace Bay High School IN Glace Bay


Bobby K

It's gross.

Joseph NoFood

Nibble nibble nibble time

Julia J

Discipline your monsters or get shut down.

Jaclyn Bradstock

Clearly this school doesn't take bullying seriously so if you're considering enrolling your child in this school- Don't.

Joanna Kim

Well, I never attended the school nor have a child who attend the school, but it is made very clear that this school does not care if any child gets bullied or not. The bullying incident happened 2-3 days ago and the school STILL did not come up with a solution other then "we will discipline them" without any details (and by the way, I would be very glad if it's not just a suspension for 10 days, judging from how the school reacted to the incident so far).

Yes Cibeira

(Translated) schools have to provide the appropriate framework, with a prompt and diligent response to such an episode of bullying. I hope that the school authorities are up to the task, know how to sanction those responsible and address the issue so that students incorporate the value of empathy. Actions have consequences. (Original) las escuelas tiene que dar el marco adecuado, con pronta y diligente respuesta a semejante episodio de bullyng. Espero que las autoridades escolares esten a la altura, sepan sancionar a los responsables y abordar la temática para que los estudiantes incorporen el valor de la empatía. Las acciones tienen consecuencias.

Leonard Selvaratnam


The principal need to discharge. This is a dirties and lousiest school in the world, like a hell


Not a former student but judging by the actions of the students involved in the Brett Corbett incident, this is a school to AVOID. One can only hope that the girl shown in the viral video stepping on Brett's back as he lay in the cold river has been suspended/expelled and dealt with by the police. What an utterly disgusting group of students who involved themselves in this incident. Swift and just punishment is in order.

Anita Simaganis

For one look at the previous reviews on this page. They look like requests from attending students with bullying were they ignored?? Have the students in the viral video of bullying been dealt with as harshly as they dealt with their fellow student & human being?? Suspensions will not be adequate in this situation. I recommend that police be involved and that all students identified in the video be dealt with. The girl should definitely be charged with assault.

Ryan X


you can wear my sweatshirt

carmen camacho

What savages are you educating?


My experience here at GBH was terrible I was accompanied by an oddly strange figure that goes by the name of Havoc, he's very slimy and sends me very inappropriate images of African American males, he has lots of "airsoft" training and he thinks he better than everybody else so I transferred. Also that Alex guy needs to be stopped..


What a famous school in the world.


i still dont know where the bathrooms are

Ry Pi π

its to brown for me.


Your not allowed to use phones in the library, but allowed to use the computers that do the same as a phone but only bigger. Even during lunch you cannot use phones in the library. :/

ᎩᏫᏌᖇ mᏌm

It smells


I am not happy with this school. The first day I came here I was harassed by a student that goes by the name Alex Cameron. He called me a mean, that I am not allowed to repeat. The principle didn't care what I had to say, instead, she just suspended me for no apparent reason!


Looks like the internet army has been here. 99% of these reviews are from people nowhere near Glace Bay. Truth is the entire CBRSB is a joke, not just JBC.

Kyle Here

Walmart Supercenter


A cry child with cerebral palsy was bullied terribly at that school, and what did the school say? “A teacher assistant at the school actually told him today it’s his fault that students are getting suspended, that he chose to take part in that incident and he should watch his actions." Disgusting staff breeding disgusting little monsters.

Amanda Macleod


Ever watch the TV show Shameless? The character of Frank Gallagher in that show is by far a better parent than ANY of the parents whose kids bullied that student with cerebral palsy.

Paul Sephton

Kids watching and participating,picking on a poor defenseless kid with cerebral palsy ,parents you have to be. Proud of the job you have done raising your kids

Swaggy P

There was this weird Alien-looking kid who went by Dave J and he was really sticky and one day he blew a nasty in front of me and was unpleasant. The cigarettes fumes from his alien-ness emotionally scarred me 5ever. He kept bullying me about not knowing what "perks" I had or something. Also Percy is right, that Alex Cameron guy is a bully. He also called me a mean.


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