Reviews of Architecture49 (Architect)

1640 Market St, Halifax, NS B3J 2C8, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see all the information of real people who are purchasing the services and products of Architecture49 (Architect) near Digby (Canada).

To this day this firm receives a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 and this score has been based on 2 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an reviews average is nearly the highest, but it's only based on very few reviews, so the score is not too accurate.

You know that we don't usually stop to put reviews when they are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Architect is classified in the category of Architect.

Where is Architecture49?

REVIEWS OF Architecture49 IN Digby

Jocelyn Bray

alan gigi


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