Reviews of Number TEN Architectural Group (Architect)

115 Bannatyne Ave #310, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R3, Canada

Average Rating:


You will be able to see the reviews of people who bought the services and products of Number TEN Architectural Group (Architect) in the area of Dauphin (Canada).

Nowadays this business gets a rating of 4.4 stars over 5 and the rating was based on 9 reviews.

As you can read, it reaches an reviews average is really good, and it's based on an average of scores, so the evaluation is reasonably reliable, although it does not have a elevated amount of valuations to provide it full credibility.

As you know, we don't usually bother to place reviews when they are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Architect belongs to the category of Architecture firm.

Where is Number TEN Architectural Group?

REVIEWS OF Number TEN Architectural Group IN Dauphin

Kyle Auch

Douglas Paterson


Tyler Crichton

The staff are awesome to work with. Always friendly!

Bill Smith

Duane Ryan

James Brown

I am reviewing as an Estimator for a Stucco company. We see alot of different architectural firms and many times, I cringe at what I see them producing. Number 10, on the other hand, is always a welcome sight on a drawing package. As soon as I see their name, I relax because 99 times out of 100 they've got things covered and the details are there. Their wall types are clear and concise and the elevations and plans are fantastic. I just wish I could work from their drawings all the time... and no, I am not getting paid to say this. This is is just the way it is. Thank you Number 10!

Dave Owens

Focus Chiropractic Center

They were the Design team on our last renovation. Great care and oversight. Exceptional. Thanks to Dave and Heather. ON time, ON budget. we get rave reviews from all of our patients.

Nkumbu Timothy Kaonga

Business Hours of Number TEN Architectural Group in Dauphin

8:30AM TO 5PM
8:30AM TO 5PM
8:30AM TO 5PM
8:30AM TO 5PM
8:30AM TO 5PM


Number TEN Architectural Group en Dauphin
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