Reviews of Dépanneur Motel du Relais Lac caché (Architect)

1253 Rte 167 Sud c.p. 323, Chibougamau, Quebec G8P 2K7, Canada

Average Rating:


You have the information of people who bought the services and products of Dépanneur Motel du Relais Lac caché (Architect) in the territory of Chibougamau (Canada).

At the present the business has a rating of 4 stars over 5 and that score is based on 60 reviews.

As you can read, it reaches an feddbacks average is really high, and it's based on a very high number of scores, so we may be quite sure that the valuation is very accurate. If many people have bothered to leave their feddback when they are happy with the service, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to set tatings when these are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

Where is Dépanneur Motel du Relais Lac caché?

REVIEWS OF Dépanneur Motel du Relais Lac caché IN Chibougamau

Alva Gingras

(Translated) It is a place that comes back to life with a good variety of products. (Original) C'est un endroit qui reprend vie avec une bonne panoplie de produits.


Dépanneur Motel du Relais Lac caché en Chibougamau
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