Reviews of Coq Rôti Chibougamau (Architect)

453 3e Rue, Chibougamau, QC G8P 1N6, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will see the reviews of real people who consumed the services of Coq Rôti Chibougamau (Architect) in Chibougamau area (Canada).

At the moment this business receives a score of 3.7 stars over 5 and the rating was based on 127 reviews.

As you can read, it has an average rating is quite good, and it's based on a high number of feddbacks, so we may be quite sure that the evaluation is very accurate. If people have bothered to evaluate when they are satisfied with the service, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to write scores when these are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Architect is included in the category of Québécois restaurant.

Where is Coq Rôti Chibougamau?

REVIEWS OF Coq Rôti Chibougamau IN Chibougamau

Ronald Bairstow

The food is great here, lots of cool little choices. However, the wait was very long. From the moment we sat down to our food arriving, it was about an hour and fifteen minutes. If you're looking for a place to catch up with an old friend, this is it. Overall a good place. I'd give an extra star if the service was faster.

phil_ fishon

Jeff Bain

Was super good ! The food and the attention of the personal was amazing. We try the poutine burger and was exceptional, very big and a bit spicy!! Thanks to the owner for the hospitality aswell!!

Derek G

(Translated) Good chicken (Original) Du bon poulet

Claudie Corbin

(Translated) The service is very long, both in the dining room and on delivery. I consider their pizza to be one of the best in town and their ribs are also very good. For lunch, they make excellent Benedictine eggs. (Original) Le service est très long, autant en salle à manger qu'à la livraison. Je considère que leur pizza est une des meilleures en ville et leurs côtes levées sont également très bonnes. Pour le déjeuner, ils font d'excellent oeufs bénédictines.

Clémence Jaeger

(Translated) I ordered a burger poutine. The waitress warned me that it would not be like a burger with a hamburger patty and that it was pepper sauce, that was what I had read and I was ok with that. I like the pepper sauce and the ground beef. I think the waitress wanted to tell me, don't take this, it's not edible! The minced steak had hard butt in it, fat or nerves, then the pepper sauce tasted really bad. I cleaned my fries as I could, and the cheese, the rest stayed there! (Original) J'ai commandé une poutine burger. La serveuse m'a averti que ça ne serait pas comme un burger avec une galette de steak haché et que c'était de la sauce aux poivres, c'était ce que j'avais lu et j'étais ok avec ça. J'aime la sauce aux poivres et le steak haché. Je pense que la serveuse aurait voulu me dire, prend pas ça c'est pas mangeable! Le steak haché y'avait des boutte dure dedans, du gras ou des nerfs, puis la sauce aux poivres goûtait vraiment pas bonne. J'ai nettoyé mes frites comme je pouvais, pis le fromage, le restant y est resté!


(Translated) Very well served and good. (Original) Très bien servi et bon.

mario Royer

(Translated) Hyper salty hard to stay hydrated in this kind of restaurant! I saw better! (Original) Hyper salé dure de rester hydraté dans ce genre de Resto! J'ai vue mieu!

Stephanie Houde

(Translated) Experiences: Lunch; service 3/5 Food 4/5 I took the bill for four people and I asked for their loyalty card as a new client ... the waitress fraternized with her usual client and suddenly she gave her my prints without giving me a card. Good for regulars! On-site meal: service4.5 / 5 Food 4/5 Pasta, cheese, entrees; fresh! original skewers. Correct choice of wine. Delivery: service; 3.5 / 5 Food; 2.5 / 5 The man, having taken the order of two articles, managed to make a mistake, send 3 articles, the third at our expense. General experience: pretty good, on site. (Original) Expériences : Déjeuner; service 3/5 Nourriture 4/5 J'ai pris la facture pour quatre personnes et j'ai demandé leur carte fidélité en tant que nouvelle serveuse à fraternisée avec sa cliente habituelle et du coup elle lui a donnée mes estampes sans me remettre de carte. Bon pour les habitués! Repas sur place : service4.5/5 Nourriture 4/5 Pâtes, fromage, entrées; frais!brochettes originales. Choix de vin correct. Livraison : service;3.5/5 Nourriture;2.5/5 L'homme, ayant pris la commande de deux articles, a réussi à se tromper, envoyer 3 article, le troisième a nos frais.. Expérience général : plutôt correct, sur place.

Mathieu Rochette

Guillaume Lecours

(Translated) Good service. Thank you (Original) Bon service. Merci

Mathieu Girard

Jean-Marc Lemire

Alain Fortier

Jung Lin

Mellany Girard

Alison St-Pierre

Majid Malki

Marc Ouellet

Mlle Mee

(Translated) Very surprised to see a hair in my pizza the hunger cut me immediately I do not recommend buying their pizza at all this is scandalous! Have a good day (Original) Très surpris de voir un cheveux dans ma pizza la faim ma imédiatement couper je ne recommande pas du tous l’achat de leur pizza ceci est scandaleux! Bonne journée

Jeff Rouette Martel

(Translated) Very good good place to eat (Original) Très bien bonne endroit pour manger

Dying GTAV

Krystal Hotte

Paul Gravel

Colleen Dion

Some good menu items (salad, pasta) but the chicken was not good


Good restaurant and service is good

Huguette Chance

(Translated) Have a good time (Original) Bonne bouff

Pierre-Luc Lavigne

(Translated) Really great chicken. And Ginette is very nice! (Original) Vraiment du très bon poulet. Et Ginette est très gentille!

Olivier Bonnet

(Translated) Good food and quality service (Original) Bonne bouffe et service de qualité

Jean-Denis Bouchard

(Translated) Being a big eater of ribs, the value for money was nonexistent. Too expensive for lean, tasteless ribs. As a result, the amount of food is not sufficient. (Original) Étant un grand mangeur de côtes levées, le rapport qualité était inexistant. Trop cher pour les côtes maigres et dénudés de goût. De ce fait, la quantité de nourriture n'est pas suffisante.

Jean Joseph

yazid Aassila

(Translated) One of the best pizza I've had for life. (Original) Une des meilleurs pizza que j'ai mangé à vie.

Laurent Tremblay

Enzo Carelli

I like this place. Service is very good. The staff employees spoke English. The food is good. The price is reasonable. Definitely will be back

Manon Fortier

Eric Bergeron

(Translated) Very good, little service (Original) Très bon , peux de service

kelly morin

Ray Cap

Louise Larouche

Simon Gauthier


(Translated) I would have liked to eat there but after 5-6 minutes the waitress had not yet had time to come to see us, so we went to eat elsewhere ... (Original) J'aurais aimé y manger mais après 5-6 minutes la serveuse n'avait pas encore eu le temps de venir nous voir, nous sommes alors partis manger ailleurs...

Mario Lemoine

(Translated) Interac offered on delivery. This is the only restaurant that offers it and it is in my opinion the best selection of food take out / delivery in Chibougamau. (Original) Interac offert à la livraison. C'est le seul resto qui l'offre et c'est à mon avis la meilleure sélection de bouffe take out / livraison à Chibougamau.

Valentino Lago

Lise St-Pierre

(Translated) Good service and good quality / price (Original) Bon service et bonne qualité/prix

Sylvain Lamothe

(Translated) Hair in my very unpleasant pizza for $ 40 (Original) Cheveux dans ma pizza très désagréable pour 40$

Vincent Evans

Dany Lavoie

(Translated) When I order a restaurant it is here that I make my order especially for good cheesecake (Original) Quand je commande du resto c'est à cet endroit que je fais ma commande surtout pour du bon gâteau au fromage

PM Laventurier

Willy Karmy

Pascal Lavoie

(Translated) Courages to all the teams and a hello to the founder of the COQ RÔTI.à soon. (Original) Courages a toutes les équipes et un coucoux aux fondateur du COQ RÔTI.à bientôt.

Luc Benoit

(Translated) Delicious meal thank you Tried next time to satisfy all customers of all ages An old woman tastes like an omlette for dinner, you cannot satisfy her need ..... (Original) Délicieux repas merci Essayé prochaine fois de satisfaire tout les clients de toute age Une vieille femme a le goût d un omlette en dinner vous n arrivée pas à satisfaire son besoin .....

Pierre Morand

Jonathan Grenier

Sandy Lavoie

Very good restaurant

Constanza Javiera Araya Segura

Like it was the service n friendship that courteous. Love it there

Doris Bellisle

(Translated) Very decent food for a rotisserie. (Original) Nourriture très correcte pour une rotisserie.

pascal trudeau

(Translated) Good service, nice plate, I will return. (Original) Bon service, belle assiette, je vais retourner.

Jean-Benoit Gauthier


(Translated) Good restaurant and excellent food only one flaw when delivering slight discomfort (Original) Bon restaurant et nourriture excellente seulement un défaut lors de la livraison leger malaise

Danny Kwandibens

Justus Coon-Come

The vegetable pizza was good ,but service wasn't perfect.

Marie-Caroline Dessureault

(Translated) I come from Montreal and I always stop dining here good service and meals too, and also very beautiful city. (Original) Je viens de Montréal et j’arrête toujours souper ici bon service agréable et repas aussi, et aussi très belle ville.

Caroline Gauthier

(Translated) Great service with an extra waitress (Mathilde) (Original) Service super avec une serveuse extra (Mathilde)

Alireza Kasraei


Adam Tremblay

(Translated) This good in Titi (Original) Ce bon en Titi

garry mustaikis

Ms. Gull

Good lasagna

Nancy Levesque

daniel lafond

robert bonin

(Translated) Good service and warm place good food. (Original) Bon service et endroit chaleureux nourriture bon.

Blanchard Chantal

Johannie Raiche

José Massicotte

(Translated) great service (Original) super service

Reolito Orias

Daniel Audet

Jessica Goulet

(Translated) Always equal always courteous and friendly. Good chicken, very good lunch Thank you (Original) Toujours égal toujours courtois et amical. Du bon poulet, très bon déjeuner Merci

David Simon

francis levasseur

Jeremy “Soumins” Linton

Awful service!! Waiter adds 15% for service and wants a minimum wage of 15$ tip!!!

Leanne Zimmerman


Jessy Hudon

(Translated) Food is good. The service is excellent. (Original) Nourriture est bonne. Le service est excellent.

Melanie Guimond

(Translated) Cold repat saw immediately that it was warming up outside but cold inside, side up (Original) Repat froid ont voyait toute suite que c'était du réchauffement chaud a l'extérieur mais froid a l'intérieur côte levé

Tara Larocque

(Translated) Great food, great service (Original) Bonne nourriture ,très bon service

Bertin Bamouni

Joey Hardy

(Translated) Good breakfast! But the eđfnn service (Original) Bon petit dejeuner! Mais le service eđfnn

Jean-Francois Ladouceur

Denis Beliveau

Sylvie Lavoie

Roy Ottereyes

What a lovely and beautiful place perfect for your cravings! Their pizza is absolutely delicious!!

William Nadeau

Food was overcooked and we waited for a really long time

Yolaine Ouellet

(Translated) Nice restaurant (Original) Bel restaurant

Jason Venne

Darryl Miniquaken

Food is good. But takes long to get your food. So go with a loved one or with friends. So you can catch up.

Geneviève Chevalier

Vanessa Tremblay

Anthony Simard

(Translated) Good breakfast (Original) Bon desjeuner

A hoh0

(Translated) The pizza is excellent (Original) La pizza est excellente

Dave L

Jessika Gagnon

Danilo Thann

stephan belanber-coulombe

jennifer petillon

Stéphane Dionne

Dominic Boudreault

Mariane Gosselin

Abel Dixon


Émilie Lavoie

Nancy Milot

Lucas Bélisle

(Translated) Really !! I had the old dried ribs warmed up some time really not so strong! 1 star by chance is not the half star (Original) Vraiment !! Je me suis fait servir des vieilles côtes levées séchée réchauffée un moment donné vraiment pas fort ! 1 étoile par chance y a pas la demi étoile


(Translated) Call during opening hours a dozen times without ever having an answer (Original) Appeller lors des heures d'ouverture une dizaine de fois sans jamais avoir de réponse

Rejean Parent

(Translated) The waitresses are very nice (Original) Les serveuses sont très gentille

Mohamed Zerouali

(Translated) Always nice to have a good breakfast! Very good served (Original) Toujours agréable de prendre un bon petit déjeuner! Très bon servis

philippe neron

(Translated) They do not have a rooster on the menu, but the eggs are never beaten! Congratulations to the chef! (Original) Ils n’ont pas de coq au menu, mais les œufs tournés ne sont jamais pétés ! Bravo au chef !

Al T'n

Elstat Elstat

Simple menu selection, service was not dependable

Pascal Tremblay

Martin Boivin

Paul Shecapio

Dine in

Gaetan Bernard

Lise Turgeon

Kevin Martin

(Translated) Quick and courteous service for the workers, good dinner !! (Original) Service rapide et courtois pour les travailleurs, bon dîner !!

Simon Lépine

Alain Duguay

(Translated) Great service in the late evening before closing. Very jovial and concerned about his customers. Fast delivery and very good meal. (Original) Super service en fin de soirée avant la fermeture. Très jovial et soucieuse de sa clientèle. Livraison rapide et très bon repas.


(Translated) On delivery cold pizza no cold fried sauce too (Original) Sur livraison pizza froide pas de sauce frite froide aussi

Adrian Gunner

Meal type

laval martin

Robert Bouchard

Alfred Swallow

Good place to service.

Ginette Rousson

Jean-François Simard

Real Lavoie

(Translated) Impeccable and courteous service. (Original) Service impeccable et courtois.

Jacques Fortin

(Translated) It was not until 30 minutes before the waitress came to take our orders and the restaurant was not full, lunch was not satisfactory limit not good. I recommend another restaurant if possible. (Original) Il a fallut attendre 30 min avant que la serveuse vienne prendre nos commandes et le restaurant n'était pas plein, le déjeuner n'était pas satisfaisant limite pas bon. Je recommande un autre restaurant si possible.

Marc-Antoine Perron

(Translated) Meals of poor quality. Overcooked pasta, chicken that should have been thrown in garbage and cane sauce. The waitress comes back to the table to tell me that the boss has tasted and it was delicious! ???? (Original) Repas de mauvaise qualité. Pâtes trop cuites, poulet qui aurait dû être jeté aux poubelles et sauce en canne. La serveuse revient à la table pour me dire que le patron y a goûté et que c'était délicieux!!! ????

Normand Bedard

It's a restaurant. Specializing in chicken.

William Ingarfield


(Translated) Wide choice of menu. There is something for every taste. Pub style. (Original) Choix de menu très varié. Il y en a pour tous les goûts. Style pub.

sébastien gagnon

(Translated) Different experiences from one time to another. A very good chicken dinner. By cons, later, a piece of pizza, a salad stale, a very ordinary coffee. Has the cook changed? Not so interested in retrying the adventure ... Later - Retried: good chicken, salty sauce, lukewarm rice. Good service. (Original) Expériences différentes d'une fois à l'autre. Un dîner au poulet très bon. Par contre, plus tard, un bout de pizza , une salade défraichie, un café très ordinaire. Le cuisinier a-t-il changé ? Pas tellement intéressée à retenter l'aventure... Plus tard - Réessayé : poulet bon, sauce trop salée , riz tiède . Bon service.

Linda Gull

Very rude. No customer service. They acted like that couldn't speak English, then responded when they heard something they liked. Have different menus in English and French, but claimed what we ordered (and had From the French menu previously) didn't exist. They also forgot to put in our order and brought the wrong thing when it was brought. ????

Andre Laberge

(Translated) Simple and delicious menu (Original) Menu simple et délicieux

Katy Grosicki

Eric Boulanger

Jonathan Bouchard

Great food and Good clean place to eat..

Seau Six

pascal desjardins

François Béchamp

(Translated) I go there very often and the service and food are impeccable. The waitresses and the owners are always smiling and very friendly. (Original) J’y vais très souvent et le service et la nourriture sont impeccables. Les serveuses et les propriétaires sont toujours tout sourire et très sympathiques.

Alexis Duchesne

(Translated) I have been avoiding since I was sick (Original) J'évite depuis que j'ai été malade

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