Reviews of Multiver (Architect)

436 Bérubé St, Quebec City, Quebec G1M 1C8, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will see all the information of real people who have information of the services of Multiver (Architect) in the area of Charlesbourg (Canada).

To this day this business gets a rating of 4.1 stars over 5 and that score has been based on 25 reviews.

You may have noticed that its rating is quite positive, and it's founded on a very high number of feddbacks, so we can conclude that the score is very credible. If people have bothered to leave their review when they've done well with the business, it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to place feddbacks when these are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Architect is classified in the category of Architect.

Where is Multiver?

REVIEWS OF Multiver IN Charlesbourg

Jacopo Profili

Marc Laflamme

Patrick Bilodeau

Vincent Fortier-Thomassin

Robert Williamson

(Translated) I'm working on it ! ???? (Original) J'y travaille ! ????

Daniel Poisson

(Translated) My thermos are all finished ... really ordinary phone service ... (Original) Mes thermos sont tous fini... service téléphonique vraiment ordinaire...

GAIAA SOURCES inc (Gaïaa Sources)

(Translated) Excellent quality / price / service ratio (Original) Excellent rapport qualité / prix / services

Kim Girouard


valter rioux

Paul Bernaquez

martin gour

Stéphane Paquet

Laurent Chatagneau

Guillaume Geoffroy

Josee Blouin

John Wolf

(Translated) reliability (Original) fiabilité

Marie-christine Dube

Nelson deejay

(Translated) Very nice glass company (Original) Tres belle compagnie de verre

Stephane Picard

Lucie Fournier

(Translated) I bought glazed units in March 2021. In November 2021, there is a thermal break in one of the units. No warranty regarding thermal breakers. I am disappointed, frustrated because my money is guaranteed to him. I find it quite incredible that a company does not guarantee its products. (Original) J'ai acheté des unitées vitrées en mars 2021. En novembre 2021, il y a un bri thermique dans l'une des unitées. Aucune garantie concernant les bri thermique. Je suis décue, frustrée car mon argent lui est garanti. Je trouve cela assez incroyable qu'une compagnie ne garantisse pas ses produits.

Jacques Glazier

dale brusius

Very friendly

Jonathan Poliquin

jean-luc gagnon


Multiver en Charlesbourg
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