Reviews of Menuiserie CJV (Architect)

201 Boul. Henri-Bourassa #8000, Québec, QC G1G 4C7, Canada

Average Rating:


You will see the reviews of real people like you who purchased the services and products of Menuiserie CJV (Architect) near Charlesbourg (Canada).

At the present this business receives a rating of 4.4 out of 5 and the rating is based on 7 reviews.

As you can read, the average score it has is quite good, and it's based on an average of feddbacks, so the valuation is quite credible, although it does not have a elevated amount of valuations to confer it absolute credibility.

As you know, we don't usually stop to place scores when these are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Architect is classified in the category of General contractor.

Where is Menuiserie CJV?

REVIEWS OF Menuiserie CJV IN Charlesbourg

Audrey Montfort

(Translated) Wow! What a great team and what a great experience to have done business with them! Very professional, fast and meticulous work. A dynamic team that cares about the success of its work! I recommend x 1000! :) (Original) Wow! Quelle belle équipe et quelle belle expérience d’avoir fait affaire avec eux ! Travail très professionnel, rapide et minutieux. Une équipe dynamique qui a à coeur la réussite de ses travaux! Je recommande x 1000 ! :)

Philippe Montfort

(Translated) Very competent team and good advice. They worked hard to be able to get me settled in quickly before the cold weather. The guys were dynamic / in a good mood and did a good quality of work. I recommend! (Original) Équipe très compétente et de bon conseil. Ils ont travaillés fort pour être en mesure de m'installer rapidement avant les gros froids. Les gars étaient dynamique/de bonne humeur et ont fait une belle qualité d'ouvrage. Je recommande!

Marie Coulombe

(Translated) Big thanks to all this great team, very professional, listening to our needs, experienced, cheerful and so effective! Jerome, Vincent, Catherine, Charles, Thomas ... People present and available! Very good communication at all times, well appreciated! It was a big project and the employees, meticulous, punctual and competent offered me a constant follow-up on the evolution of the works. Catherine, project manager, you accompanied and advised me and I am so satisfied with the many choices we have made. It was very reassuring to be able to count on you at all times! In short, impeccable service and unparalleled all along the line! I consider myself very lucky to have benefited from your great expertise and I am very grateful! I highly recommend everyone, people around me are all impressed with the results, some would like to buy my house! (Original) Gros merci à toute cette formidable équipe, très professionnelle, à l'écoute de nos besoins, expérimentée, de bonne humeur et tellement efficace! Jérôme, Vincent, Catherine, Charles, Thomas... Des gens présents et disponibles! Très bonne communication en tout temps, bien apprécié! Ce fût un gros chantier et les employés, minutieux, ponctuels et compétents m'offraient un suivi constant sur l'évolution des travaux. Catherine, chargée de projets, tu m'as accompagnée et conseillée et je suis tellement satisfaite des nombreux choix que nous avons faits. Ce fût très rassurant de pouvoir compter sur toi en tout temps! Bref, service impeccable et hors pair sur toute la ligne! Je me considère très chanceuse d'avoir pu profiter de votre grande expertise et je vous suis très reconnaissante! Je vous recommande fortement à tous, les gens de mon entourage sont tous impressionnés des résultats, certains voudraient bien acheter ma maison!

Mélaine Henry

(Translated) If you are looking for peace of mind and the assurance that your project is well taken care of, forget about this company! I do not recommend at all. (Original) Si vous cherchez la tranquillité d'esprit et l'assurance que votre projet est bien pris en main, oubliez cette entreprise ! Je ne recommande pas du tout.

Chope Gobeline

(Translated) Super nice turnkey terrace for our restaurant! (Original) Super belle terrasse clé en mains pour notre restaurant !

Francois Cooper

Log home super

Gabriel Touchette

(Translated) Wow excellent !!! (Original) Wow excellent!!!

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