Reviews of Plan Architecture - Technologue - Charles Parent (Architect)

73 Rue Thomas-Dubuc, Longueuil, QC J4G 1L2, Canada

Average Rating:


You will be able to see the opinions of real people who are consuming the products of Plan Architecture - Technologue - Charles Parent (Architect) in Chambly area (Canada).

As of day the business gets a rating of 3.7 out of 5 and that rating has been based on 9 reviews.

You must have seen that its rating is quite good, and it's based on a more or less high of feddbacks, so the valuation is rationally accurate, although it does not have a very high amount of valuations to give it total credibility.

You know that we do not usually bother to put tatings when these are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Architect corresponds to the category of Architect.

Where is Plan Architecture - Technologue - Charles Parent?

REVIEWS OF Plan Architecture - Technologue - Charles Parent IN Chambly

Gabriel Tremblay Grenier

Conception Logo

(Translated) Excellent Service !!! (Original) Excellent Service !!!

Tania Tremblay

(Translated) This company shows a remarkable lack of professionalism. They do not keep their contractual commitment submitted by submission. I absolutely do not recommend their service. To respond to the owner's comment below: I asked a question regarding the prepayment and non-refundable request. I wanted to know what the non-refundable mention referred to. Following this question which I consider most legitimate, you have given me some brief and vague explanations. Then I confirmed that everything was ok. The next day, you sent me a message saying that you did not agree with the price established in the quote by your colleague and therefore no longer wanted to provide us with the service. If you insist, I can copy our email exchanges. Thus, there is effectively a lack of professionalism on your part and a non-compliance with a submission. (Original) Cette entreprise fait preuve d'un manque de professionnalisme des plus remarquable. Ils ne tiennent pas leur engagement contractuel remis par soumission. Je ne recommande absolument pas leur service. Pour répondre au commentaire du propriétaire ci-dessous: J'ai posé une question concernant la demande de paiement d'avance et non remboursable. Je voulais savoir à quoi faisait référence la mention non-remboursable. Suite à cette question que je juge des plus légitimes, vous m'avez donner quelques brèves et vagues explications. Ensuite, j'ai confirmé que tout était ok. Le lendemain, vous m'avez envoyé un message disant ne pas être d'accord avec le prix établi dans la soumission par votre collègue et donc ne plus vouloir nous rendre le service. Si vous insistez, je peux mettre en copie nos échanges par courriels. Ainsi, il y a effectivement un manque de professionnalisme de votre part et un non respect d'une soumission.

Jocelyn Guy

(Translated) Very courteous staff. (Original) Personnel très courtois.

Fahmi Madiouni

(Translated) A good quality company as well as a professional team. I recommend (Original) Une compagnie de bonne qualité ainsi que l’équipe est professionnelle. Je recommande

Jérémy Lacasse

paillette jorge

(Translated) not professional! they don't care about their customers (Original) pas professionnel ! ils se fichent de leur clients

laatil fares

Business Hours of Plan Architecture - Technologue - Charles Parent in Chambly

8:30AM TO 4PM
8:30AM TO 4PM
8:30AM TO 4PM
8:30AM TO 4PM
8:30AM TO 4PM


Plan Architecture - Technologue - Charles Parent en Chambly
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