Reviews of Walmart (Architect)

300 Rue Barkoff, Trois-Rivières, QC G8T 2A3, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see all the feddbacks of people like you who consumed the services of Walmart (Architect) in Cap-de-la-Madeleine (Canada).

Now this firm gets a score of 4 over 5 and that rating has been calculated on 127 reviews.

You may have noticed that it has an average rating is very positive, and it is founded on a high number of feddbacks, so we can think that the rating is quite credible. If people have bothered to rate when they are happy, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually bother to give opinions when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Architect is classified in the category of Department store.

Where is Walmart?

REVIEWS OF Walmart IN Cap-de-la-Madeleine

Ellen Thibault

Giselle Wiseman

Very poorly stocked store of regular items-example cheese and cereals and when things are advertised in the weekly flyer,if you are not there when they open on Thursday morning there is nothing available and even then the items are not there. The only plus is that the staff are always friendly and helpful.

James Goucher

TerrY GalwaY

Frendly staff

Frédérick Rhéaume

(Translated) It is very well placed well indicated it goes very well (Original) C'est très bien placé bien indiqué ça va très bien bienfaits

Gary Beifuss

k o

Not much selections

Maxime Charbonneau (CharbBrother)

(Translated) A lot of merchandise. (Original) Beaucoup de marchandise.

Aaron Goodwin

Francis Laliberte

(Translated) Staff disinterested and hard to find places very dirty messy, only the prices are affordable but there is another place better (Original) Personnel désintéressé et dur a trouver endrout très sale malpropre,seul les prix sont abordable mais il y a d autre place mieux

Michele Faessler

Corinne Raymond

sonya B

(Translated) Very old-fashioned (Original) Très vieillot

Steven Peter

(Translated) We find everything !! Good cheap good (Original) On trouve de tout!! Beau bon pas cher

derek vincent

Manon Lambert

(Translated) I love it because there is everything and I have found lots of treasure and even for the food it is excellent and the customer service is excellent (Original) J adore car il y a de tout et j ai déniché plein de trésor et même pour la nourriture c est excellent et le service à la clientèle est excellent

Peggy Barfoot

Found everything I was looking for from their many departments, awesome one stop shopping experience.

Shane C

The Digby Walmart has the most competent electronics associates I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Their pharmacy is always well stocked with well informed pharmacists. Otherwise it's your basic walmart supermarket.

Sigi David Bock-Thomas

It's a good store, fairly clean, and with good items. It can be hard to find an employee when you need help, but it's overall a pretty good store.

André Plourde Carbonneau

Good place to buy toys, baby food and some home decor.

George Tarazi

Amanda Thibault

Tracy Lewis

They are ignorant and don't have anything

Herve Rosset

(Translated) Need renewal since opening a long time ago ... (Original) Besoin de renouvellement depuis l'ouverture il y a longtemps...

Yvon Trottier

(Translated) Inventory decreased at the Cape Town Wal-Mart! (Original) Inventaire diminué au Wal-Mart du Cap !



Jennifer Hardwick

Sam Savoy

Stephen Dauber

Ok it's a Walmart full of walmartians

GG Comics

Staff was helpful and kind..

Silver’s New Channel

Most of my needs I can get, but lately not. Understandable due to Covid. I just don't understand why people are not sanitizing their hands when coming in to the store. There is sanitary stationary right at entrance. Always very helpful at this store. Thanks.

Wolf lover

loves getting hung up on. Called to ask for an item, the women said "hey _____, somebody's calling for a book and I can't read" and then I was on hold for 30 mins! I decided to hang up and call again, 1 time not picking up and the other they answered and Hung up again! not professional at all.

richard longpre

(Translated) Increasingly lack of stock and price tags on shelves, or even the wrong ones! Employees less and less sympathetic, and try to push us towards automatic teller machines! Personally, I much prefer to wait longer, and have someone in front of me! Cashiers enter the driver's license # in the cashier system (which is illegal, the cashier has the right to verify, but not take note of), for registration on their credit card! !! > :( (Original) Manque de plus en plus souvent de stock et d'étiquettes de prix sur les tablettes, ou encore, pas les bonnes! Employés de moins en moins sympathiques, et essaient de nous pousser vers les caisses automatiques! Perso, je préfère de loin attendre plus longtemps, et avoir quelqu'un en face de moi! C'est rendu que les caissières entrent le # de permis de conduire dans le système de caisse ( ce qui est illégal la caissière a le droit de vérifier, mais pas de prendre en note), pour l'inscription à leur carte de crédit!!! >:(

Faleesha LeBlanc

Michael Keeping

Friendly people

Shawna Jefferson

Good prices

Carmella M

The Rock


Theresa Titus


Courtney Everhart

Jamie Major

Self service only for some reason. I do not recommand!

Bonnie Brown

john bennett

Small crowded and underwhelming

Stephane Echaquan

(Translated) Great Walmart, lots of stock. The alleys seem narrow. Gives access to the shopping center. (Original) Grand Walmart, beaucoup de stock. Les allées semble étroites. Donne accès au centre d'achat.


movie bod

Alexey Sharikov

Romaine Black

Small store, not much in way of groceries. Very friendly people.

Greg Taylor

Good friendly service

Nita Saulnier

Jessica Doyle


Helinou Soleil

(Translated) It's been 2 times in 1 week, that I move and take my time to turn things around, telling myself I am going to do a quick round trip .... misery .... fast ???? 1/2 km of people waiting outside every time, so discouraged about it. From tomorrow we wear the obligatory mask, are we going to be able to enter without going through an interminable labyrinth again, or will we be able to enter it more quickly ??? Normally, I really like this walmart !!! (Original) Ça fait 2 fois en 1 semaine, que je me déplace et prends de mon temps pour retourner des choses, en me disant jvais faire un p'tit aller-retour rapide....misère....rapide ???? 1/2 km de gens qui attendent dehors à chaque fois, tellement découragé de ça. À partir de demain on porte le masque obligatoire, est-ce qu'on va pouvoir entrer sans passer dans un labyrinthe interminable encore, ou on va pouvoir y entrer plus rapidement ??? En temps normal, jaime beaucoup ce walmart !!!

clement Rousseau

Had what I needed

Lenn Burkitt

Rodgers P

The staff are very friendly and helpful. A clean well supplied store.

Tanya Marie



Irving Selván

Awesome store

Chantal Thivierge

(Translated) Pouris (Original) Pouris

Ricardo Reyes

Founded everything I needed and no wait time in a lineup ????

Sebastien Beaudoin

(Translated) McDonald's is closing inside .... old Walmart. Due for a good update, this is the one in Trois-Rivières west (Original) McDonald's ferme à l'intérieur....vieux Walmart . Due pour une bonne mise à jour ,c'est celui a Trois-Rivières ouest

Jean-Claude Marcoux

No nice clothes. Was a mess



Lyne Farrell

Small Walmart. Very limited selection of goods.


(Translated) We find everyone there really is great p For the courtesy I have nothing to say about it not this fact well received and perfect service the people who work are pretty (Original) On Y trouve de Tous vraiment c'est super p Pour la courtoisie j'ai rien à dire la dessus pas ce fait bien recevoir et service parfait les gens qui travails sont jolie

Shahram (Shelby)


Fred Anderson

I liked it


Most of the staff are warm and friendly but it's hard to find them as it seems the store is always understaffed.

Louis-Philippe Gauthier

(Translated) wowww (Original) Wowww

Donna Domitrek

Withoutyou Infinity

Ray McLennan

The prices are great, like you'd expect from Walmart, unfortunately the layout if the store is horrible, should add more grocery items

Adrien OBrien

(Translated) No complaints service courtesy number ,, 1 thank you to all the team happy new year health thank you for being there (Original) Pas à me plaindre service courtoisie numero ,,1 merci à toute l équipe bonne année santé merci d être la

Isaac Phi

Sanitation of the carts and hand sanitizer was good. The pet aisle was again low if not empty of cat food. Not sure if this is due to delivery issues because of covid, but cat food mainly dry food was an issue before covid. I would like to commend all the staff for there helpful and courteous service.


As of today alot of their sales on food were sold out but they have great costumer service as always !

Nadine ᴎаllаↃ

Had most of the stuff that I needed

Steph Whitten

I love shopping here. Great prices and always friendly service.

Eric Chouinard


Herold Congo Noel

I always have been satisfied with the experience..People are very friendly even with the tough times we all are going through.. Everyone are following covid guide lines...Dont forget to be nice to the employee's. THEY DESERVE IT,

Acadian Wood Carver Jamie Thibault

Had what I was looking for.

Graciela Corzo

(Translated) Ok for the mask No respect for arrows in the aisles No employee points out to the offenders A little effort please !!! (Original) Ok pour le masque Aucun respect pour les flèches dans les allées Aucun employé ne fait la remarque aux fautifs Un petit effort SVP!!!


wayne-patrick trudel

(Translated) Disastrous service from your employee this morning. I came to the store opening and as I was in a hurry I asked a lady who works there for advice (dark hair around the shoulders, old, very dark makeup at eye level.) Your employee was mean. , refused to help me (I do not ask to be accompanied, I only ask her in which department I can find the article). She tells me that she doesn't know and that I just had to check the inventory in stock before coming on site ... then I ask her if someone else can help me and she tells me that there is no one better placed than her to answer me because she claims to be a manager. Worse service. I usually go to the other Walmart in Troo, and for sure I will never be at the Cape Town Walmart again. Very disappointing (Original) Service désastreux de la part de votre employée ce matin. Je suis venue à l'ouverture du magasin et comme j'était pressée, j'ai demandé conseil à une dame qui y travaille (cheveux noirs environ aux épaules, vieille, maquillage très sombre au niveau des yeux.) Votre employée a été méchante, a refusé de m'aider (je ne demande pas à être accompagnée, je lui demande seulement dans quel département je peux trouver l'article). Elle me dit qu'elle ne sait pas et que j'avais juste à vérifier l'inventaire en stock avant de venir sur place... ensuite, je lui demande si quelqu'un d'autre peut m'aider et elle me dit qu'il n'y a personne de mieux placer qu'elle pour me répondre car elle prétend être gérante. Pire service. Je vais habituellement à l'autre walmart à tro, et assurément que je mettrai plus jamais les pieds au walmart du CAP. Très décevant

Razeea Pitre

marika hubley

Will Aitken

Lucas Lewis

Russell Unger

Debit machines act up frequently

Dawn Skidmore

Clean, friendly staff just wish the had more like the New Minas store

Pam Rose


Haritiana RANDRIA

(Translated) More plants. Very very disappointing! And almost nothing for the renovation especially section painting etc (Original) Plus de plantes. Très très decevant! Et presque plus rien pour la rénovation surtout section peinture etc

Gary Karen (Gary & Karen)

Anita Smith

tricot “tricotvanille” vanille

(Translated) To be zealous with not much at the entrance and not allowed to wash your hands when leaving ... Security is really important in these times, but you must not go crazy either. Do not breathe your nose! (Original) Faire du zèle avec pas grand chose à l'entrée et pas le droit de se laver les mains en sortant... La sécurité c'est vraiment important par les temps qui courent, mais il faut pas virer fou non plus. Respirer pas le nez!

Eric Fortier

(Translated) The best Walmart in Quebec. It is not a Super Center but it is better stocked. The staff is great, always in a good mood and often the same gang for a long time. The McDonald's is awful inside but it's an experience to go there! Haha. For toys it's definitely the best Walmart ever. Always stocked, well maintained etc ... I love this store, even if it is smaller, its charm. (Original) Le meilleur Walmart au Québec. Ce n'est pas un Super Centre mais il est mieux stoké. Le staff est super, toujours de bonne humeur et souvent la même gang depuis longtemps. Le McDo est horrible à l'intérieur mais c'est une expérience y aller! Haha. Pour les jouets c'est définitivement le meilleur Walmart ever. Toujours stoké, bien entretenu etc... J'adore ce magasin, même si il est plus petit, sa fait son charme.

Eric Beloon

(Translated) I love going to Walt Mart there is absolutely everything ... The only thing missing is plants and poisons before there were poisons it was great! But for everything else there is really everything we need for the house. For the whole family and baby! Food garment toy (Original) J'adore aller chez Walt mart on trouve absolument de tout... La seule chose qui manque c'est des plantes et des poisons avant il y avait des poison c'était génial! Mais pour tout le reste il ya vraiment tout ce que nous avons besoin pour la maison. Pour toute la famille et bébé! Nourriture vêtement jouet


(Translated) Not too expensive (Original) Pas trop cher

Emmanuelle Godo

One of the smaller Walmarts but you'll usually find what you need.

Bearded Kitty

Update Stock seems to have improved and staff just as great. Great staff. Very friendly and helpful. Inventory decent for small town. Usually won't have everything I went for if it was on sale. Common clothing sizes seem to sell out quickly and sale items on food products probably won't be there, but Superstore is next door to cover missing items. Management seems good. I am basing that mostly on how happy the employees appear.

Valasta Bee

Found everything I needed at a good price.

Pierre Bolduc

(Translated) Lack of staff (Original) Manque de personnel

Al Filleul

My experience was excellent as are most of my visits

Normand Abbott

(Translated) I often find what I'm looking for hated had a few times a bad service but always from the same lady for the rest of the personal I have nothing to say (Original) Je trouve souvent ce que je cherche haï eu à quelque reprise un mauvais service mais toujours de la part de la même dame pour le reste du personnelle je n'est rien à dire

John Peddle


Jimmy Jackson

jeffrey squibb

Small store , very limited selection of items .

Tammy Marshall

Zero mask enforcement, especially seeing almost all middle aged people not wearing a thing. Completely unacceptable during a pandemic

Frances Lasalle

(Translated) It would be good if the shelves would be fuller in the food departments (Original) ca serai bien si les tablettes serais plus remplis dans les rayons alimentaire

Antje Springmann

Clean & staff was very helpful

Bernard Kennedy

Standard as always. It was clean

K.M. O'Neill

Yes Walmart. Decent variety and price

Krystel D

(Translated) What great promotions! (Original) Que excelentes promociones!

Josiane Proulx

(Translated) It has all the security measures you need for covid 19 it's really complete as a store (Original) Il a toutes les mesures de sécurité à besoin pour le covid 19 c'est vraiment complet comme magasin

Brian Hatcher

Cashier very pleasant experience friendly

Tiger Marcel

(Translated) Lots of discounts and liquidations place quite clean good service have little to find everything that can want can do fast shopping and very good service (Original) Beaucoup de rabais et de liquidations place assez propre bon service ont peu trouver tout ce que l' ont veux ont peux faire des courses rapides et le service tres bon

Ron Penney

Love it

Selena Atwell

Not much selection

Brandon Lake

Cheap stuff.

Leona Atton

raphael dupont

(Translated) Always a good option. Variety, good prices, good hours. I love it. (Original) Toujours une bonne option. Variété, bons prix, de bons horaires. I love it.

Anonymous Others

(Translated) Walmart contains the majority of useful items for life. This store is getting old not against, a rejuvenation would not hurt. Also it is not a great center so the grocery store is very limited. (Original) Walmart contient la majorité des items utiles pour la vie. Ce magasin se fait vieux pas contre, un rajeunissement ne ferait pas de tord. Aussi ce n'est pas un super centre donc l'épicerie y est tres limité.

Gabriel Mimeault

(Translated) The only Walmart in a month and a half to have bath plugs and in fact, everything they say they have, zero out of stock. Amen (Original) Le seul Walmart en 1 mois et demi a avoir des bouchons de bain et en fait, tout les produits qu'ils disent avoir, aucune rupture de stock. Amen

sebastien pleau

(Translated) The staff responds very well to our questions And leads us to the right place with a smile (Original) Le personnel repond très bien a nos question Et nous dirige au bon endroit avec un sourire

Tina Stailing Hayden

Good found items that I was not expecting

Lana Leighton

Richard Jeddry

i liek

S Edge

(Translated) Aside from the odd people, it's necessary (Original) À part les gens bizzares, cest nécéssaire

Scott Mahoney

I love Walmart in Digby lots of us size clothing.

La page a yan Yan bedo stpierre


Trina Benedict

Nothing that's on sale is in stock

Michael Rees

Poor service and usually don't have what you're looking for.


(Translated) Alright ... lots of things. (Original) Tres bien...beaucoup d'itemes.

Regina Saulnier


Stephanie Langford

Always helpful

Craig Norris


maina m

(Translated) Too many worlds at the cash desks for few open cash registers otherwise it was ok (Original) Trop de mondes aux caisses pour peu de caisses ouvertes sinon c'étais ok

Ginny Scotian

Sylvie Beaudry

(Translated) Very good price (Original) Tres bon prix

Yvon Richard

(Translated) No service (Original) Pas de service

Linda landry

(Translated) Best Walmart ever. Never have to wait at the cash desks. The floor staff are impeccable and very very very dedicated. Well done and thank you (Original) Meilleur Walmart à vie. Jamais d attendre aux caisses. Le personnel de plancher est impeccable et très très très dévouer. Bravo et merci

Ronald Gaudet

Alan Thygesen


Francois Bedard

(Translated) Everything at a low price ... (Original) De tout a bas prix ...

anice franzen

Small store as Walmart's can be and limited selection as a result.

Ryan Sloan

Just another Walmart.

Howard Grant

To small.

Louise Tibo

(Translated) Best Walmart I have visited !! (Original) Meilleur Walmart que j'ai visité !!

Claudia Goulet

(Translated) Excellent service in the center of the botanical garden at Cape de .. Madeleine (Original) Excellent service au centre du jardin des plantes au cap de la.. Madeleine

Mike Oconnell

Siwei Wang

Limited space so limited shoes, etc

Stephen Peck

Great place to save

Lisa Goodwin

Julie Melanson

Harold Dugas

Everything is always visible, polite people and cashiers.

Alain Trudel

(Translated) Next time to find a cashier, I drop by without paying This is surely the most effective way to make you understand that a machine is not a human being Also, I didn’t see any big price differences with the competition. It seems to me that a family like yours must set an example by practicing a better distribution of wealth Right now you stuff yourself on the backs of those who enrich you in fact you are almost worse than the capitalist system on your own because there are no outside shareholders to impose their laws on you ... Poor rich who one day will have to answer to those who starve with contempt (Original) La prochaine fois pour trouver une caissière je passe sans payer C’est sûrement la façon la plus efficace pour vous faire comprendre qu’ une machine n’est pas un être humain De plus, je n’ai pas enregistré de grosses différences de prix avec la concurrence. Il me semble qu’une famille comme la vôtre doit donner l’exemple en pratiquant une meilleure répartition des richesses Dans l’immédiat vous vous gavez sur le dos de ceux qui vous enrichissent en fait vous êtes presque pire que le système capitaliste à vous seul car pas d’actionnaires extérieurs pour vous imposer leurs lois ... Pauvres riches qui un jour devrons rendre des comptes à ceux qui affament avec mépris

Arthur Walker

Good store

Glen Harding

A small store so in and out is quick. You will need to use the other stores in town for a better shopping experience.

Geneviève Clément

(Translated) Thanks, this is the best department store !! For those who make ddd complaints ... well get out your money and go see the shops! ???? (Original) Merci, c’est le meilleur magasin à rayons!! Pour ceux qui font ddd plaintes ...ben sortez votre argents et allez voir les boutiques!????

Bradley Bright

Gerry Cahill

Always great service.

Wayne Langford

Very nice staff and competitive prices

Luc Plourde

(Translated) I can't wait for the grocery store to develop for the Cape Town sector. (Original) J ai hâte que l épicerie se développe pour le secteur cap

Judy Dubé

Marie Nick

(Translated) Walmart the same as Himself. Not bad all the same. With the difference that in Cap de la Madeleine I give 10 out of 10 for the reception. (Original) Walmart pareil a Lui même. Pas mal toutes la même chose. À la différence que au Cap de la Madeleine je donne 10sur 10 pour l'accueil.

Danielle Labonté

(Translated) Good store with a lot of different stuff but there are some lower quality items (Original) Bon magasin avec beaucoup de différente chose mais il y a des articles de qualité moindre

Marie-Pierre “Bodisteur” Gervais

(Translated) The only one in Cape bcp cleaner than Trois-Rivieres (Original) Le seul du cap bcp plus propre que trois-rivieres

Ron Leonard

Always friendly and always find great value

Bill Hutchinson

Valerie Cox

It's a Walmart

Displaced Newfoundlander

Bonnie Francis

Nathalie L

(Translated) No more queues outside perfect. Mandatory mask wearing ok Disorganization problem when it is time to go to the cash desks. We don't know which direction to take (Original) Plus de file d attente a exterieur parfait.. Port masque obligatoire ok Hic desorganisation quand c moment de passer aux caisses. On ne sais plus quel direction prendre

Eric Ripley

Friendly staff

Lucie Longval

(Translated) Nice store with a nice selection of shoes at reasonable prices and the employees advise you well (Original) Beau magasin avec un beau choix de chaussures à des prix raisonnables et les employés(es) vous conseillent bien

Megan Rivard

(Translated) Today very disappointing. Difficult to find what we are looking for, no barcode on a child's toy for the price and last on a tablet. In addition the cash and customer service left much to be desired. Not fast at all to satisfy the customer. (Original) Aujourd hui très décevant. Du mal à trouver ce qu'on cherche, aucun code barre sur jouet pour enfant pour le prix et dernier sur tablette. De plus le service caisse et clientèle laissait vraiment à désirer. Pas rapide du tout pour satisfaire la clientèle.

Sylvie Allard

(Translated) Great choices at low prices and courteous staff, cleanliness of the premises (Original) Grands choix à bas prix et personnels courtois ,propreté des lieux

Joshua Coombs

Small and old

Shannon Duval-Lavoie

(Translated) Very well (Original) Tres bien

Adrien Leblanc

Very good service!!!

Laurie Tidd

Ginny Potts

Canucklehead Ps4

Great place to shop. Lots of excellent deals.

guy gelinas

(Translated) Excellent store, warm and provides good service. (Original) Excellent magasin, chalereux et offre un bon service.

Jose Branchaud

(Translated) People are nice nothing to say about it. We can easily question the clerks everyone is smiling I really have nothing to say. (Original) Les gens son gentils rien à dire sur ça. On peut facilement questionné les commis tout le monde est souriant je n'es vraiment rien à dire.

Kim St-hilaire

(Translated) good service but your shelves are always empty (Original) bon service mais vos étagères son toujours vides

Sylvie Giguere

(Translated) Would need a facelift. (Original) Aurait besoin d’une cure de rajeunissement.

Marco Fortin

(Translated) No complaints. (Original) Rien a redire.

keysto Hamilton

clawleone 1134

Good great deals

Jean Gignac

(Translated) Good service and personal welcome (Original) Bon service et personnelles accueillent

Famille Ouellet

(Translated) Very good service from Patrick.???? (Original) Très bon service de la part de Patrick.????

christine trottier


Dylan Dimock

Michelle Lavaute

(Translated) Old Wal-Mart. Serious need for renovation. Row very small, impossible to go to 2 wide. Sunday morning, empty rack. Not impressed ..... (Original) Vieux Wal-Mart. Serieux besoin de rénovation. Rangée tres petite, impossible de passer a 2 de large. Dimanche matin, rack vide. Pas impressionné.....

Estelle Pelletier

(Translated) Lots of people and service can appropriate (Original) Beaucoup de gens et le service peux approprié

Dawn Adams

It's a Walmart, not much else to say. Checkout is usually quick here and appreciate that.

PugDad Shaw

Jesus Muñoz


Glenn Dube

David George

We found more goods for black hair

Marcelle Boulanger

(Translated) Prices are good (Original) Les prix sont bon


Larry Howes

Small location and smaller selection

glendon geauvreau

Donnie Moore

Walmart in digby is every busy this time of the year you can get almost everything you need

Sabrina Marchand

(Translated) The place where you can find almost everything at a good price. (Original) La place où l'on trouve presque tout à bon prix.

Clément Charette

(Translated) Lacks a lot of things and for a very long time sometimes for 2 to 3 months. Prices are often not clear for items not on special. And I can't wait for them to think about having a butcher shop (Original) Manques beaucoup de chose et durant de très longue période des fois durant 2 3 mois. Les prix sont souvent pas clair pour les articles pas en spécial. Et j'ai hâte qu'ils pensent à avoir une boucherie

Tanya Antle

Small store. Not much selection. No service.

Angy Wagner

It's walmart. If you're not ashamed to shop there it's actually great.

Kathleen Hines

Good prices

Normand Côté

(Translated) Ask an employee this summer if there was still a certain model of tire and her non-verbal expression very well expressed that she did not want to seek information ... (Original) Demande à une employée cette été s'il restais certain modèle de pneu et son non verbale exprimais très bien quel n'avais pas goût d'aller chercher l'information ...

William Robicheau

Florence Dawe

Its a small Walmart at a mall

Isabelle Giguere

(Translated) Wide variety of choices, full of low prices, A McDonald's inside the store (Original) Grande variété de choix, plein de bas prix, Un McDo a l'intérieur du magasin

Wolfgang Dittmer

Meh ????

Philippe Champagne

(Translated) Useful trade and easy access for customers with reduced mobility. Staff at the reception VERY courteous and helpful. They render a service very appreciated. On request, (some days, I have greater mobility) they will even accompany me to my car with my bags. Walmart is proving a real concern to accommodate an aging clientele with reduced mobility. Congratulations Walmart! (Original) Commerce utile et facile d'accès pour clients a mobilité réduite. Personnel a l'accueil TRÈS courtois et serviable. Ils rendent un service très apprécié. Sur demande, ( certains jours, j'ai une plus grande mobilité) ils vont même m'accompagner a ma voiture avec mes sacs. Walmart démontre un véritable soucis pour accommoder une clientèle vieillissante et a mobilité réduite. Félicitations Walmart !

Dawn MacKenzie

Deborah Riles

staff&shoppersare not wearing masks????

Jean Dufort

(Translated) I find everything at a good price (Original) Je trouve tout a bon prix

Christine Clift

Pretty good selection for the size of the store.

Peter Morgan

Good variety of products, friendly staff, and great prices.

Garry Ford

Small selection compared to other Walmarts

domaine oskelaneo

(Translated) I love. Nice space between the rangers and reasonable prices (Original) J'adore. Belle espace entre les rangers et es prix raisonnables

Barb Muise

Perfect everyone was wearing masks in Digby.

Kristy Conran

Google says online that they carry Earth Magnets. They dont

Debora McWhinnie

Josée Leduc

(Translated) Good choice and good service. (Original) Bon choix et bon service.

jorden bohaker

The staff was very nice and helpfulness.

Rod Bless

Damaged packaging on bookshelves and other furniture. Store in disarray and shelves not fully stocked

Richard Bourdon

(Translated) They are always what I am looking for and the staff are very helpful and very good service. (Original) Ils sont tout le temps tout se que je cherche et le personnel est très serviable et très bon service.

trustan unger

Great place to shop. The staff are very helpful. And will bring to yo the item you want.

Marilyn Burden

Good pharmacy staff. Always there with a smile and great service Willing to go the extra effort to help. Awesome and friendly.

sharon mercer

This Wal-Mart store is small and doesn't have a large variety of stock as a larger store does. Sale items and common everyday grocery items and dog food are usually low or out of stock. For the large amount of communities that this store services it should definitely be larger and carry more stock so that it's customers don't have to go to the city or other stores in the area to look for the things that they require, usually at a higher price

Tony Stirling

Didn't have the right ball hitch I was looking for

Doug Burns

Dexter Youden

It’s a great super market with good prices

Paula oel

For a small Walmart it's pretty good. Sometimes it's hard to find a person to help but the store is clean and well organized.

francois Francois

(Translated) Always so fascinating to go to Wal-Mart (Original) Toujours aussi fascinant d'aller chez Wal-Mart

Brandon Jeffery

Jhonatan Gerardo Martinez Nicolas

(Translated) This Walmart is a little messy. The aisles a little worse organized than usual. No utensil container here. Less quantity and variety than Quebec or Montreal. Just a Walmart with the essentials. (Original) Ce Walmart est un peu bordélique. Les allées un peu plus mal organisées qu'à l'ordinaire. Pas de contenant à ustensiles ici. Moins de quantité et de variétés qu'à Québec ou Montréal. Juste un Walmart avec l'essentiel.

jamie hiscock

Many shelves half stocked. Many items not priced. Only a so so experience.

Garfield Vacheresse

Manny times I can' t get the I stuff I was used to buy there.The management is not willing to change this customer unsatisfied situation. I called the head quarter twice without any results.Manny items are to expensive.I shalll not recommend this Store in the future.

Kienan Raymond

Francine Labranche

(Translated) Considering it's not a Supercentre and not close to becoming one, this Walmart is pretty decent for what it offers. There are accesses and vehicles available for people with reduced mobility. McDonald's is now closed, it is now difficult to find garbage in the aisles. Always very clean. The flaw is that more facing is needed. In terms of stock, it is limited, given the size of the departments. They only have the essentials. Walmart is no longer connected to the mall due to the expansion of its neighbor Dollarama. The parking lot is very large, occupied by recreational vehicles in summer and fall. There are few employees on the floor, so when we have a question we have to go to the cashier to ask it. They are courteous and amiable, but there may be times when they are on the defensive. Self-service is not compulsory, if you need assistance the cashiers are very kind. They apply for the rewards card, which is recommended if you are regular at Walmart if not past your turn, not worth so much. They respect the rules of the Covid, but do not impose it. There will be plexiglass, soap, masks, and arrows on the ground. The changing rooms are open, but it is rare that there is someone there. The aisles are narrow. There are always baskets at our disposal. I avoid their bathrooms, because there is no paper to dry my hands, only the air machines. In addition, their toilet paper is thin and should be taken in an industrial and non-ecological quantity. (Original) Considérant que ce n'est pas un Supercentre et pas près d'en devenir un, ce Walmart est plutôt correct pour ce qu'il offre. Il y a des accès et des véhicules disponibles pour les personnes à mobilités réduites. Le McDonald's est maintenant fermé, il n'arrive plus maintenant de retrouver des déchets dans les allées. Toujours bien propre. Le défaut est qu'il faudrait plus de facing. Au niveau du stock, c'est limité, vu la grosseur des départements. Ils n'ont que l'essentiel. Walmart n'est plus connecté au mail faute de l'agrandissement chez son voisin Dollarama. Le stationnement est très large, occupé par des véhicules récréatifs l'été et l'automne. Il y a peu d'employés sur le plancher, donc lorsqu'on a une question nous devons aller vers la caisse pour la poser. Ils sont courtois et aimable, mais il peut arriver qu'ils soient sur la défensive. Le libre-service n'est pas forcé, si vous avez besoin d'assistance les caissières sont très gentilles. Elles font des demandes pour la carte de récompenses, qui est recommandé si vous êtes régulier chez Walmart sinon passé votre tour, ça ne vaut pas tant la peine. Ils respectent les règles du Covid, mais ne l'impose pas. Il y aura des plexiglass, du savon, des masques, et des flèches au sol. Les cabines d'essayage sont ouvertes, mais rare qu'il y aie quelqu'un sur place. Les allées sont étroites. Il y a toujours des paniers à notre disposition. J'évite leurs salle de bains, car il n'y a pas de papier pour sécher lrs mains, seulement les machines à air. De plus, leur papier hygiénique est mince et on doit en prendre une quantité industrielle et non écologique.

Charles Comeau

Good customer service

Blair Spracklin

Looks old

Danita Miller

Melanie Chubbs

Great selections

Karen Ellis

claude monjo

It's alright, watch out for some people that think the world revolves around them.

Roxanne Poisson Massicotte

(Translated) Sorry it's hard ... dressing room closed, so I bring the swimsuits for my spouse at home so that he tests .. returns what is wrong ... No no exchange and no refund ....what are we doing... (Original) Désolé ça fait dure... salle d'essayage fermé, j'amène donc les maillots de bain pour mon conjoint à la maison pour qu'il les essais.. retourne ce qui ne va pas... Non pas échange et pas remboursement....on fais quoi...

Serina Wagner

Very nice store. Super clean

Williams Cossette Thibodeau

Not enough upperdeck blck friday special

kay hamilton

What can I say about the monopoly giant Walmart? Staff are very good, well stocked. Typical Walmart items.

Christina Peach

Limited selection of products.

Norman Pyne

Mike Purcell


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