Reviews of Rachel Ciccariello, Technologue en architecture (Architect)

7616 9e Avenue, Montréal, QC H2A 3C3, Canada

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Here you will be able to see all the reviews of real people like you who bought the products and services of Rachel Ciccariello, Technologue en architecture (Architect) in Beloeil area (Canada).

Right now the business receives a rating of 4.9 out of 5 and the score has been calculated on 27 reviews.

As you can read, the average score it has is basically the top, and it's founded on a large number of feddbacks, so we can be pretty sure that the assessment is very accurate. If there are many people who bothered to rate when they've done well with the business, it works.

As you know, we don't usually bother to set tatings when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Architect corresponds to the category of Architectural designer.

Where is Rachel Ciccariello, Technologue en architecture?

REVIEWS OF Rachel Ciccariello, Technologue en architecture IN Beloeil

Krizzia Orreli Pasache Ponce

(Translated) What good comments about Rachel and her work. His professionalism is present at all times and he is a very pleasant person. She is very efficient, dedicated, expert in her field and meticulous. It is certain that we will do other projects with her. I recommend it without hesitation! (Original) Que de bons commentaires au sujet de Rachel et son travail. Son professionnalisme est présent en tout temps et c'est une personne très agréable. Elle est très efficace, dévouée, experte dans son domaine et minutieuse. C'est certain que nous ferons d'autres projets avec elle. Je le recommande sans hésitation!

Guillaume Bergeron

(Translated) Mrs. Ciccariello is very professional, she knew how to advise us judiciously during a renovation project in Montreal, a reference that I will keep for our future projects. 5 star service! (Original) Mme. Ciccariello est trés professionnelle, elle a su nous conseiller judicieusement lors d'un projet de rénovation à Montréal, une référence que je garderai pour nos futur projets. Service 5 étoile!

Isabelle Lemaire

(Translated) Wow. So easy to work with Rachelle. Hyper competent. Hyper efficient. She advised us and simplified our approach for a roof problem that we had been struggling with for weeks! Thank you! Highly recommended! (Original) Wow. Tellement facile de travailler avec Rachelle. Hyper compétente. Hyper efficace. Elle nous a conseillé et à simplifié notre approche pour un problème de toit avec lequel nous avions des enjeux depuis des semaines! Merci! Fortement recommandée !

Alain Lussier

(Translated) Rachel is very professional with good ideas, it helped us a lot in our project (Original) Rachel est très professionnelle avec de bonne idées, cela nous a beaucoup aider dans notre projet

Suzanne Lass

Exceptional service. Professional, fast and efficient I will recommend Mrs Ciccariello to everyone who needs architectural work to be done.

Abdoulaye Diallo

(Translated) Service of very good quality, expertise and always listening to his client to better support him in his project. Again Rachel, thank you for your work. (Original) Service de très bonne qualité, d'expertise et toujours à l'écoute de son client pour mieux l'accompagner dans son projet. Encore Rachel, merci pour ton travail.

Sylvain Grimard

Ce qui décrit le mieux madame Ciccariello est son professionnalisme, son écoute, sa capacité d’agir rapidement tout en livrant un produit de première qualité.

Martin Bessette

(Translated) Rachel is unparalleled professionalism and efficiency. It saved us time and money. We found him late and if we had to do it all over again we would use his services from start to finish without hesitation. (Original) Rachel est d’un professionnalisme et d’une efficacité hors pairs. Elle nous à sauvé temps et argent. Nous l’avons découverte sur le tard et si c’était à recommencer, nous utiliserions ses services du début à la fin sans hésitation.

Jean-François Vachon

(Translated) Excellent service! She responded quickly despite being very busy, and got the job done quickly and efficiently thereafter. A very good combination of kindness and professionalism. Do not hesitate to do business with her! (Original) Excellent service! Elle nous a répondu rapidement malgré qu'elle était très occupée, et a effectué le travail rapidement et efficacement par la suite. Une très bonne combinaison de gentillesse et de professionnalisme. N'hésitez pas à faire affaire avec elle!

Genevieve Madore

(Translated) Rachel provided us with amazing service! She took the necessary time to come up with some ideas for modifications to our house. His ideas were exactly what we needed and the result was perfect! The plans she provided made all the difference! Thank you very much Rachel. (Original) Rachel nous a fourni un service incroyable! Elle a pris le temps nécessaire pour nous proposer quelques idées de modifications pour notre maison. Ses idées étaient exactement ce que nous avions besoin et le résultat était parfait! Les plans qu'elle a fourni ont fait toute la différence! Merci beaucoup Rachel.

Michel Wong

(Translated) We had amazing service. Rachel gave us confidence from the start with her original and practical ideas. All with a competitive price and the plans completed in a short time. (Original) Nous avons eu un service extraordinaire. Rachel nous a mi en confiance dès le départ avec ses idées originales et pratiques. Le tout avec un prix compétitif et les plans terminés dans un délai rapide.

Marylie Loiselle

(Translated) I have only good comments! Plans as discussed and submitted on time, super professional service and was attentive to our needs. I refer without hesitation! :-) (Original) Je n’ai que de bons commentaires! Plans tels que discutés et remis dans les délais, service super professionnel et elle a été à l’écoute de nos besoins. Je la réfère sans aucune hésitation! :-)

Michael Castillo

Arife Uckun

Sandra Lassche

10x better than hiring an Architect, Rachel is extremely professional and knows exactly what is needed by the city as she already worked there. My plans were accepted from the first submission. Will definitely be referring her to all my friends. Bravo ????

Karina Macknish

(Translated) Flawless plans! Rachel is very professional, attentive and open to discuss different options for possible accommodations. Very pleasant. Thank you Rachel (Original) Plans impeccables ! Rachel est très professionnelle, à l'écoute et ouverte à discuter des différentes options d'aménagements possibles. Très agréable. Merci Rachel

Alexei Tchetchouline

(Translated) I contacted Rachel needing a technologist plan, she was able to deliver it quickly, gave me advice that allowed me to improve the layout of the space and was exemplary professionalism . I keep his name for any future project! (Original) J'ai contacté Rachel ayant besoin d'un plan de technologue, elle a su le livrer rapidement, m'a donné des conseils qui m'ont permis d'améliorer l'aménagement de l'espace et a été d'un professionalisme exemplaire. Je garde son nom pour tout projet futur!

Ludovic Aumont

(Translated) It was a pleasure to work with Rachel for my major renovation project for a duplex in Rosemont! (including complete redevelopment of the 2 dwellings, underground excavation, replacement of masonry, doors and windows, etc.) She is very competent, creative, honest, passionate and will know how to optimize every precious square foot of your space. Getting the building permit was the first time, and his great suggestions saved me thousands of dollars ... I highly recommend it for all your projects! (Original) Ce fût un véritable plaisir de travailler avec Rachel pour mon projet de rénovation majeur d'un duplex dans Rosemont! (incluant le réaménagement complet des 2 logements, le creusage du sous-sol, le remplacement de la maçonnerie, des portes et fenêtres, etc.) Elle est très compétente, créative, honnête, passionnée et elle saura optimiser chaque précieux pied carré de votre espace. L'obtention du permis de construction s'est fait du premier coup, et ses excellentes suggestions m'ont faites épargner plusieurs milliers de dollars... Je la recommande très fortement pour tous vos projets!

Annie R

(Translated) I had the pleasure of entrusting my project to Rachel recently. She worked efficiently, she knew how to adapt to my needs. His plan was perfect, he moved to the city, without correction or question. Thank you and we look forward to working together again! Annie (Original) J'ai eu le plaisir de confier mon projet à Rachel récemment. Elle a travaillé efficacement, elle a su s'adapter à mes besoins. Son plan était parfait, il a passé à la ville, sans correction ni question. Merci et, au plaisir de travailler ensemble à nouveau! Annie


Rachel is very efficient knowledgeable and to the point. I was able to get my permit without any issues with the plan that she provided me with.

Riding Chick

(Translated) Efficient and fast service, we feel confident and competitive prices ... thank you for saving us time ???? (Original) Service éfficace et rapide, on se sent en confiance et prix compétitifs...merci de nous avoir sauvés du temps ????


(Translated) Excellent service throughout the process. Absolutely nothing to say! Very high quality work! (Original) Excellent service tout au long du processus. Absolument rien a dire! Travail de très haute qualité!

Louis Beaudoin

(Translated) We received excellent service from Ms. Ciccariello. Professional and attentive to our project, we managed to obtain our city permit as we wanted. (Original) Nous avons reçu un excellent service de Mme Ciccariello. Professionnelle et attentionnée à notre projet, nous avons réussi à obtenir notre permis de la ville comme nous le désirions.

Thierry Duret

(Translated) I was very well advised in my projects by Rachel. She listened and was very professional in her approach. I could take advantage of her great expertise and recommend her without hesitation. Thank you for your good service! (Original) J'ai été très bien conseillé dans mes projets par Rachel. Elle a été à l'écoute et très professionnel dans son approche. J'ai pu profiter de sa grande expertise et la recommande sans hésitation. Merci pour ton bon service!

Scott Spencer

We spoke on the 2nd of November about an expansion on my house. We verbally agreed on an early February date so I can shop my concrete and materials. Yesterday she let me know that she can't fulfill our agreement till April now. So not only have I lost almost the entire month of November, If I stay with her I won't get anything before April. I'm sure she does great work but I absolutely suggest u sign a contract with her.

Armando Cappello

Great experience; plans were perfect and done quickly.

Charles Lapointe

(Translated) Super service very good knowledge of construction ... Very efficient !!! (Original) Super service très bonne connaissance de la construction... Très efficace!!!

saeng khoun

(Translated) We were very satisfied with Rachel's services. It offers a short, fast service at a very reasonable cost. We also greatly appreciated his availability. We will not hesitate to do business with her again in the future. Thank you for this excellent service! (Original) Nous avons été très satisfait des services de Rachel. Elle offre un service courtoit, rapide et à un coût très raisonable. Nous avons aussi beaucoup apprécié sa disponibilité. Nous n'hésiterons pas à refaire affaire avec elle dans le future. Merci pour cet excellent service!

Business Hours of Rachel Ciccariello, Technologue en architecture in Beloeil



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