Reviews of Mac Metal Architectural (Architect)

3099 Rue Bernard-Pilon, Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil, QC J3G 4S5, Canada

Average Rating:


You have all the information of real people like you who have information of the services and products of Mac Metal Architectural (Architect) in the area close to Beloeil (Canada).

To this day this business has a score of 3.3 over 5 and that rating has been calculated on 33 reviews.

As you can read, it reaches an feddbacks average is discreet, neither too high nor too low, and it is founded on a very high number of opinions, so we can conclude that the assessment is quite accurate. If there are many people who bothered to give their feddback when they've done well, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to give opinions when they are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Architect is included in the category of Building materials store.

Where is Mac Metal Architectural?

REVIEWS OF Mac Metal Architectural IN Beloeil

Real One

(Translated) Great (Original) Super

Benoit Huot

(Translated) Impeccable products and services (Original) Produits et services impeccables

Carole-Ann Paul

(Translated) Professional service and quality merchandise (Original) Service professionnel et marchandise de qualité



poiro _T

Remi Malenfant

Jean-François N.

(Translated) I can not evaluate place. I went through the website to get some information and possibly a quote. Having had no answer or acknowledgment after two weeks, I chose another contractor. (Original) Je ne peux pas évaluer lieu. Je suis passé par le site web pour avoir un renseignement et éventuellement une soumission. N'ayant eu ni réponse, ni accusé de réception au bout de deux semaines, j'ai choisi un autre entrepreneur.

Éliade Kiraly

(Translated) INCREDIBLY OUTRE, compared to the follow-up following a guarantee not respected on their part. NO NEWS, following multiple attempts to join this company. (Original) INCROYABLEMENT OUTRÉ, par rapport au suivi suite à une garantie non respectée de leur part. AUCUNE NOUVELLE, suite à de multiples tentatives pour rejoindre cette compagnie.

mike boudelile

(Translated) I heard that there will be a new location please contact you (Original) Jai entendue quil y auras un nouvelle emplacement avez vous adresse svp

Francois Kiraly

Philippe Ducharme

David 1981

Sarto Beaumont

PROS: Great choice of colors CONS: Very difficult to fit together (it is NOT as easy as vinyl siding and any siding installer can lose patience), can be easily dented during installation, unequal customer service when you need to reach someone at the head office * UPDATE: We recently bought a new color (Harrywood black walnut) to finish our project and it seems that the hanging side has been improved and easier to install.

Amé St-Jean

Jeremie Bertrand

(Translated) Following an order which gave rise to an additional period of 3 months, I was able to speak to a representative of the company with some difficulty, but following the follow-up of the representative they were able to partially resolve my situation which allowed me to complete my project. I would like to thank the team which was able to resolve the situation within a reasonable period of time. Small remark: I know that we, the customers, do business with retailers and that you, you do business with them and not with the customers. On the other hand, there should be a simpler way of reaching you to sort out some issues that retailers don't really want to deal with because the product is already paid for. The retailer doesn't really have any money to make anymore ... he prefers to sell than to deal with problems. Thank you and good continuity! (Original) Suite à une commande qui a suscité un délai supplémentaire de 3 mois, J'ai été capable de parler à un représentant de la compagnie non sans peine,mais suite au suivi du représentant ils ont été en mesure de régler ma situation en partie ce qui m'a permis de terminer mon projet. Je remercie l'équipe qui a su régler la situation dans un délai raisonnable. Petite remarque : Je sais bien que nous, les clients, faisons affaire avec des détaillants et que vous,vous faites affaire avec eux et non avec les clients. Par contre, il devrait avoir une manière plus simple de vous rejoindre pour régler certains problèmes que les détaillants non pas vraiment intérêt à régler parce que le produit est déjà payé. Le détaillant n'a plus vraiment d'argent à faire ... il aime mieux vendre que de s'occuper des problèmes. Merci et bonne continuité !

Daniel Tourville

(Translated) Very good product Wall and roofs (Original) Très bon produit Mur et toitures

nicolas bedard

(Translated) To be continued .... (Original) A suivre ....

Chantal Bonneau

(Translated) We are extremely disappointed. No follow-up, no call back !!! Our roof installed 7 years ago presents an obvious problem of premature wear. It's like there's flour all over the place. For the price paid and the guarantee promised attention. We do not recommend this company !!!! After multiple reminders the company gives no sign of follow-up and support. To date our satisfaction is ZERO !!!! (Original) Nous sommes extrêmement déçus. Aucun suivi, aucune retour d'appel!!! Notre toiture installée il y a 7 ans présente un problème évident d'usure prématurée. C'est comme s'il y avait de la farine sur toute la surface. Pour le prix payé et la garantie promise attention. Nous déconseillons cette compagnie!!!! Après de multiples relances la compagnie ne donne aucun signe de suivi et de prise en charge. À ce jour notre satisfaction est ZÉRO!!!!

Tommy Giubilaro

Julien T.-Lessard

François Lajoie

Vincent Gervais

Vickie Roy

Phil Bisaillon

Philippe Bisaillon

William Grou

(Translated) Excellent service and easy installation! (Original) Excellent service et installation facile!

Martin Dube

(Translated) Qualities and services (Original) Qualités et services

Antoine Lesieur

Samuel Dufresne

Marc-André Daigneault

(Translated) Good company that has improved tremendously in recent years with good high end siding and roofing products. They have very beautiful colors that stand out and they are the pioneers of steel coatings with a wood look (and roasted wood). (Original) Bonne compagnie qui se sont extrêmement améliorer au courant des dernières années avec de bon produits haut de gamme de revêtement et toiture. Ils ont de très belles couleurs qui se démarque et ils sont les pionniers des revêtements d'acier au look de bois (et bois torréfié).

Marc Parent

(Translated) Very good company (Original) Très bonne compagnie

sylvain leclair

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