Reviews of AEdifica (Architect)

606 Rue Cathcart, Montréal, QC H3B 1K9, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see the opinions of people like you who buy the services and products of AEdifica (Architect) in the territory of Beloeil (Canada).

At the present this business has a score of 4.9 out of 5 and that score was based on 15 reviews.

You may have noticed that the average of ratings that it reaches is nearly the highest, and it is based on a high number of opinions, so we may think that the assessment is quite accurate. If people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well with the business, it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to place scores when these are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Architect belongs to the category of Architect.

Where is AEdifica?

REVIEWS OF AEdifica IN Beloeil

Jim Hees

Olivier Maltais, CPA

Valérie Leblanc

spin doctor

spin doctor

Samuel José Martín

Gabriel Tourangeau

Charles Bonhomme - Fondation David Suzuki

Marianne Dubois

(Translated) I loved working with Sarah Theberge. Beautiful projects, recognized in Montreal. (Original) J’ai adoré travailler avec Sarah Theberge. Beaux projets, reconnus à Montréal.

Réza A. Fard

Brigitte Bousquet

Best place to work! Great architecture!

marylène croft

Sally Ducloux

André Dagenais

emilie-anouk mignot

Marie-Andrée Roy


AEdifica en Beloeil
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