Reviews of Atelier d'architecture Bo.Co (Architect)

4A2, 308 Notre-Dame St E, Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada

Average Rating:


You will be able to see all the feddbacks of people who are buying the products of Atelier d'architecture Bo.Co (Architect) in Asbestos (Canada).

At present this business gets a score of 5 stars over 5 and this rating was based on 2 reviews.

As you can see it has an average rating is superb, indeed, it achieves the best rating it can get., but it is based on few reviews, so you will assume that the evaluation is not very reliable.

As you know, we do not usually stop to give feddbacks when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Architect is included in the category of Architect.

Where is Atelier d'architecture Bo.Co?

REVIEWS OF Atelier d'architecture Bo.Co IN Asbestos

jonathan larose

Veronica Jackson

The owner is a lovely lady. She was very helpful and friendly. They have a lot of products for refill. Love the concept of zero waste, this store has made it easy to convert :)


Atelier d'architecture Bo.Co en Asbestos
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