Reviews of Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture (Architect)

85 Elm St, Sudbury, ON P3C 1T3, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see all the feddbacks of people like you who know the services and products of Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture (Architect) near to the territory of Argentia (Canada).

At present this business receives a score of 5 out of 5 and the rating has been based on 7 reviews.

You may have noticed that it reaches an feddbacks average is very good, indeed, it gets the highest score it can achieve., and it's founded on an average of reviews, so the valuation is more or less accurate, although it does not have a enough amount of valuations to give it absolute reliability.

As you know, we don't usually bother to put feddbacks when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Architect is classified in the category of University.

Where is Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture?

REVIEWS OF Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture IN Argentia

Emilio Portal

Jiyin Gabriel He

Tim Mertens

JP Rains

Amazing building for the downtown campus of Laurentian University and the McEwen School of Architecture. Unique architecture producing top notch architects of the future.

Mohan raj

good i like that university

Ani Pisharody

my kid studies at McEwen School of Arch. They have hands on knowledge and great interaction with the faculty. Excellent team and great assignments . I am happy that she got herself a good school to begin her UG journey

Dheeraj Chaudhary

The ideal location for an education

Business Hours of Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture in Argentia

9AM TO 4:30PM
9AM TO 4:30PM
9AM TO 4:30PM
9AM TO 4:30PM
9AM TO 4:30PM


Laurentian University McEwen School of Architecture en Argentia
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